Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Bunny & A Mouse Skull

A pair of skulls inspired during the Easter Holiday.

Graphic Designer Tricia in California sent us this: “Attached is a holiday-themed, vector-based illustration that I created for my blog - Habitual Hands. I try to create & post one hand image per day. I have titled the illustration ‘Easter Bunny Finger Puppet Show’. I took multiple anatomical liberties with the bunny skull because I wanted the illustration to have a somewhat playful undertone.”

Kelly Boyett sent us an Easter Play-doh Minnie Skull

Frank C says:

It has been 37 days... 6 hours... 42 minutes... 12 seconds since I woke up on Easter morning. I truly enjoy these two pieces. The bunny puppet makes me laugh, it sort of reminds me of a more human side of the Grim Reaper perhaps a little peek into their personal life when they are not at work and spending time at home entertaining their kid. The mouse skull just works so well there. The light colored material on the stark black table, just perfect. Thank you both for sharing your work with us.

Skull Appreciation Day Daily Button Giveaway
To be entered in the drawing just leave a comment below stating: Since we are starting a new holiday, What should some Skull Appreciation Day customs be?

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include a way to contact you!
(Either your e-mail in the post OR make sure your profile has an e-mail link for you. If all else fails drop us an email to our submission address with your profile name. )

NOTE: If you're reading this on Facebook, be sure to leave your comment on the original post if you want to be actually entered in the contest


  1. Jack Skellington celebrating Easter. How cute.

  2. Customs for Skull Appreciation Day:
    Airing of the grievances, Feats of strength... oh wait - that's for Festivus. How about consuming an extra Calcium Supplement on Skull Appreciation Day?

    Thanks for posting my ‘Easter Bunny Finger Puppet Show’

  3. Brainteasers.

  4. Eat and drink all white or cream colored food - daikon, vanilla ice cream, garlic, white bread, pasta with white sauce, white beans, greek wedding cookies, etc.
    Maybe a few touches of red would be okay...beets, raspberries, red licorice sticks.
    Wear skullcaps.
    Traditional celebratory music:
    From your old pal, mimi
