Saturday, February 25, 2012

Do This For My Skull

"Do This For Me" is the title of today's submission from Joshua Barber. He's back with something a little different from his last submission and this note, "This was painted on weathered watercolor paper and part of a show I had entitled 'Five Books'.  Thanks for the consideration. I have really enjoyed visiting your site
frequently for inspiration!"

The bright night and the twinkling stars give me a sense that there's a chill to the air in this painting. Then I start to think about Phil Collins and it gets all weird after that. I really like the different textures incorporated to add depth to the colors. Plus, this might inspire someone else just as you have felt inspired by our great wealth of skull artists who keep the creativity flowing. Thanks for keeping the circle going, Joshua!


  1. Love Joshua's work!
    Thanks for posting more.
    ~ k

  2. Completely unrelated to skulls but when you mentioned Phil Collins I thought of that awesome “This American Life” episode about breakups. If you don't have time to listen to the whole thing just listen to ACT 1 it is classic.
