Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Simulaca - Version 5.39

Sunday's here again and so are the skull hunters with another round of those sneaky skulls hiding around us.

Mike Youtz of Denver, Colorado writes, "Found this interesting Rhyolite rock while in Utah back in May 2011. We were wrapping up a two-week geology field class when we decided to visit Topaz Mountain in western Utah to do a little gem hunting. Instead I found this! Way cooler than a topaz in my opinion. At first glance I thought it was the petrified skull of some critter but nope, it’s just a volcanic rock. Enjoy!"

Dan-O Deckelman discovered this fiery skull while grilling some chicken.

And Tom Adams used keen eyesight to spot this super elusive skull.

Thanks again to everyone who keeps our trophy room stocked full of great skull captures. If you find one of your own then please submit it. We'll never run out of room for displaying all of the great finds our readers discover. As a matter of fact, I think I can safely say that our site is the definitive online resource for skull simulacrum. Can anyone prove me wrong?


  1. love them!
    the rock is awesome!

  2. Glad you like it!

    If anyone has any doubts, I did not alter the rock in any way...that's how I found it!

    Thanks for posting it Skull-A-Day!
