Friday, April 13, 2012

Recovered Steel Skulls Part Deux

Artist “gille monte ruici” working in his cellar in a suburb of Paris, France is back with another collection of skulls that he created using recovered steel including: kitchen utensils, keys, plumbing, and random pieces of hardware of which some even light up.

He went on to tell us: “My skeleton is made of all recycled pieces and lights us on our way to the future. I also convert a fork and a spoon in a skull BBQ set.”

Micmac C says:

I am really impressed that not only do you incorporate lamps into your art, but the fact that they also are functional when you are finished with them is amazing. Thank you again for sharing another wonderful collection of your creations.

Since it is Friday, lets flashback to another excellent kitchenware skull done by the Skullmaster during the original project.

Also while we are going down memory lane lets look back at some of the other skull spoons that have found their way to our site. Starting with the Skullmaster's Skoon and followed by others like Clay Hoffman, Blake Highland, USMC Skulz, Pinky Diablo, and Dauvit Alexander to name just a few.

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