Thursday, May 3, 2012

100 Painted Skulls #78

To celebrate year 5 of Skull-A-Day I've decided to paint 100 skulls on 4 x 4in (10.16 x 10.16 cm) wooden panels over the course of the year... 

I've been wanting to do another looser painted piece for a little while. This is definitely amongst my favorite styles I've developed over the course of the project, but also one the harder ones for me to do, which is probably a sign that I should do it more!


Duxall Inarow said...

I want one. Will you be selling any of these at the end of the year?

Noah said...

These pieces are for sale now! Most of them are currently in a gallery in Richmond, VA through July and several of them will be at Nucleus gallery in Los Angeles in June. Let me know if there's a specific piece you're interested in and I can get you pricing information.