Monday, January 28, 2013

[BONUS] 408. Skeleton Damask

I was recently offered a chance to create a temporary mural installation in the Loo Gallery at the wonderful Lamplighter Roasting Company here in Richmond, Virginia.

The Loo Gallery is actually their bathroom and each installation is painted over when the next artist creates their piece!

I decided to create a new wallpaper damask style pattern using only the bones of the human skeleton. I had previously created a smaller wallpaper pattern as part of my original Skull-A-Day project, but I had never done something so complex.

Since the end result was so large and complicated it required two 18" x 24" stencils to create one complete section of the pattern.

I had my friends at BIG SECRET laser cut two sets of the stencils out of thick, flexible mylar and I worked with them in rotation, since they would quickly start dripping from the layers and layers of metallic spray paint I was putting on them.

The installation took three days – or rather nights, since I was coming in after hours to give the toxic fumes a chance to air our before customers would arrive in the morning – to complete. Of course I wore a Bane-style ventilation mask the entire time so that I wasn't breathing in the fumes either...

And who knows, maybe this will get turned into actual wallpaper one day, like my Ornamental Skull wallpaper at Designer Wall Coverings & Fabrics.

In the meantime you can download a PDF to make your own stencil HERE. You'll need to make two copies of it and flip and reverse one to get the full repeat. It's available under a Creative Commons license, so use it for any personal project you like, just don't sell the stencil or the results for profit. And of course if you do use, please share a picture of the result!


  1. This is just gorgeous!! Is there any way I could buy the stencils?

  2. It's beautiful! We should make something with the cut out pieces that are left over from making the stencil. Costume ideas...

  3. Thanks everyone! Still working out options for people to do this themselves, I'll update when I have a solution...

  4. I would so buy that wallpaper (if you were to make it some day)!

  5. That's the creepiest crapper I've ever seen Your awesomeness is truly felt EVERYWHERE! Great work, and the pic of you is a great self portrait.

  6. This is amazing. I had to (with some effort and tweaking, as none of your photos are straight-on) make a computer wallpaper out of this design. I haven't posted it anywhere, of course, it is essentially a trace so I wouldn't do that without your permission. I hope you don't mind that I've taken the liberty, but when I saw this I loved it so much I had to see it every day. If you wanted a copy of the version I've made, please let me know on Google+ (This account name), and I would be happy to send you the file. =)

  7. I hate wall paper, but would LOVE to have stencils for this!! I want to make an accent wall In my bedroom.
    I see I'm not the only one who is interested in this as a stencil.
    Please consider having this design laser cut into stencils, and sell on Amazon or similar!

  8. can you share the template? thats the sickest stencil idea ive ever seen.

  9. I hope to be offering a way for people to get this stencil soon! Stay tuned.

  10. So Would it infringe on you rights to ask the same people to cut a stencil for my own personal use as well. I have been looking for something awesome to do to my walls after painting and this is Perfect.

  11. Im having a hard time getting the image to reverse in adobe reader so i can make a i missing anything?

  12. You should be able to flip the image in your print settings. Here's an article I found that describes it.

  13. this is absolutely incredible!!!! I will DEFINITELY be having a stencil made so that I can do this to a few of my walls.
    PLEASE tell me you'll do wallpaper eventually?? this would be PERFECT! especially black/red or red/black or orange/black, black/orange
