Monday, January 28, 2013

[CONTEST] Win A Skeletube from Noah Scalin

THIS CONTEST IS CLOSED! Thank you for participating.

Noah Scalin is of course the creator of Skull-A-Day. He's made hundreds of different skulls with various mediums over the years (366 in the 1st year of the project). Last year, Noah combined his love for skeletons and vacuum tubes, to create Skeletubes. He's painted so many of these little guys that he's made a Skeletube army. Since so many people love these fun creations, Noah is giving away one Skeletube to one lucky Skull-A-Day fan!

Occasionally these little guys like to get together and go on adventures. So far they've escaped to a mountain and had a snow day.

PRIZE INFO: One Model B bagged and tagged Skeletube. It is a hand painted skeleton vacuum tube that is packaged as shown.

HOW TO ENTER: Leave a comment below telling us what adventures your skeletube would have if you had one? For example, I might take mine to the beach to dig for lost treasure or to a cemetery to find old friends.

CONTACT INFO: If you win, we need to contact you. With your comment, please INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS!!! Entries are only valid with this information.

WHERE TO ENTER: All entries must be made on this blog post, on You CANNOT enter this contest by commenting on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

CONTEST CLOSES: 11:59:59 PM Eastern USA Time Friday, February 1, 2012.


PRIZE SHIPS: This contest is open to all skull lovers around the world.

IF YOU DON'T WIN: Don't fret. These hand painted little guys are available in various models in Noah's Skeletube Shop.


  1. My Skeletube would go on weekly adventures with me and my resident zombies, to the park, to the grocery store, to do my mailing, AND he would get to play Skeletor to my He-Man action figure in said know He-Man and Skeletor fight all over the universe they consider themselves to be Masters of...

  2. Skeletube & the ever popular zombie kitty kawaii, along with their friend the ether bunny would go on an epic adventure around Seattle & might even end up with a tattoo...

  3. oh my skele- tube has a day planned to bring smiles and is going to also do a fashion show- play and make you smile!
    LUCY the dog and MS TUBE are going to have a planned day- a day of fun!
    and you will enjoy the photos

  4. I would take the little tube on a tube, or a subway. I'm sure the little guy would love the ride

  5. I would totally take my Skeletube to the beach and build him his very own sand castle complete with a tower and moat. He would probably need a very strong sunblock or perhaps I might make him a small cloak to shield him from the damaging sun rays. Together we could rule a hermit crab skeleton army!

  6. I'd take my new little skeletube buddy up a mountain, through the city and where ever else I happen to travel the perfect travel companion and by far the coolest, haha

  7. Skeletube will tour and document a whirlwind adventure that will take him through beautiful and scary parts of Washington, DC. He will travel on the back of a one legged sock monkey, AND travel with monkey's long time travel companion; Uh-Oh Baby! (a naked baby doll that was rescued from the bottom of a public swimming pool in 2009. Their adventure will be as fun to see as they will be for them to do!

  8. Mr. Skeletube, when not overseeing my work at the computer, would come on photo and filmmaking adventures. Like the sweet old grandfather, reminding us of where we came from, as we have an eye on the future...

  9. My skeletube will give back and help rescue lots of kitties as he oversees adoption interviews and rides along on transports, getting cats into rescue and to their forever homes. (We volunteer for Siamese Rescue.) He will also have many adventures with my son Steven, and we can even bring him along to the beach this summer for our family reunion. He will also enjoy picnics and outings to Hollywood Cemetery, where my husband and I were married. We have family there too. He will live a good life, I promise!

  10. My skeletube would enjoy watching over my Halloween prop shop in the garage and supervise the creation of the many spooky things that haunt The Yard of the Living Dead.

  11. My skeltube would sit on our antique console radio and torment the tubes that are in there, still working.

  12. Oh....I would love to let a wee skeletube pal swim in my crystal bowl of African Beads....he would have Woody and Rodney the Robot for company!:)

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  15. I like to take pictures......My Skeletube will be in MANY photos, driving a car, hanging out in old creapy buildings or a cemetery.

  16. Skeletube! Skeletube! I want a skeletube! I would put him with my tube collection and he would taunt them with his smiley laughy face. Skeletube! Skeletube! I want a skeletube!

  17. Skeletube and I would take endless adventures, including going to the Dead Sea, scaring people in graveyards at night, and visiting the Sedlec Ossuary in the Czech Republic!

  18. Skydiving, always better with a partner

  19. We would go to cinema watching an horror movies together on a rainy sunday afternoon :-)

  20. My Skeletube would go to the Griffith Observatory, view through the telescopes and take pics with James Dean's head!

  21. My Skeletube would be going with me on my move to Bahrain and tours to Djibouti and other places I can't name but would have to kill you if I did. He would have more fun the\an most people ever do!

  22. My Skele-tube would sit and watch me paint and create new skull art.
    Then I would let Skele-tube have a go at a self portrait painting.
    I think he would like that a lot !!

  23. If I win, I would coax my Skeletube to pose in my handmade graveyard at home. I have a special garden of the dead that I think this Skeletube would make a wonderful addition to! I would also have a photo shoot, share it and tell everyone how awesome it is to own one... and they should also procure one from your website! My email is: or
    Thanks Skull-A-Day!

  24. my skeletube would go to my on my guitar for inspiration.

  25. Me and Skele would do a series of graveyard photoshoots starting in Hollywood because I miss it and love it there, then onward to Pere Lachaise and St. Louis!

  26. Skeletube needs and urban adventure. A cab ride through the city (he's already a skeleton so he wouldn't really be taking his life in his own hands) followed by an evening at an intimate club where he'd make a special guest appearance onstage, and greet his many fans afterwards. A few pictures, maybe an autograph or two then he's off to a decadent dessert with friends, a train ride and maybe a nap.

  27. My skeletube would go on cross-country adventures, perched on the dashboard of a beat-up Jeep beside his new brother, a string-doll named SadBoy. They will listen mostly to classic rock, and may attempt to solve mysteries...if they feel like it. (True story.)

  28. My Skeletube would Be on My Mantel were i could see it everyday! ;) I love Love Love Skulls!

  29. Im going on a trip back to Detroit, Michigan to see family. It would be great to have a travel companion. Especially one that would keep others at bay.

    You dont really want to travel alone to the D! lol

  30. I would let my Skeletube hit up the code blue lights and sirens a couple times in the ambulance I work in..but we will have to talk about the wole driving thing...

  31. Skeletube and I would go on a mental journey together to find his name and spirit totem. After that, we'll probably chow down on double fudge brownies.

  32. At the very moment that Skeletube graces my hand with its awesomeness, We would be transported to a world with a red velvet sky. From that point we would visit and take pictures in front of all of the landmarks in that world so that we could make a lovely scrapbook about our adventures.

  33. I speak italian so.... Lo porterĂ² con me per sempre, non ci separeremo mai, sarĂ  il mio nuovo amico, il mio nuovo compagno di avventure. Siamo fatti l'uno per l'altro! <3

  34. I will always treasure this- as I make skull jewelry and will photo the tube with my jewels and promise to tell where I got her/him! I might make a book- as years ago the coffee table book- with photos maybe we can join together and make- or a digital show !
    I love humor- one time when I was a young single Mum- with a son( and so broke) we took a road trip with a gold fish! every photo had the gold fish! so now as I am midcentrury modern:) I will go with the tubie and we will do some humor- laughter is so much fun- and I will create smiles- I have young and old skeleton lovers- and on the EAST COAST! We are the odd balls- so one more oddball could be fun! So many of my skele friends- are now seeing you as I love to share your fun finds!

  35. my skulltube would take an adventure through historic cleves ohio and then share stories with my other skull friends.

  36. my skeletube would have an adventure just sitting on my mantel,watching my 3 grandkids do their daily stuff!!..8,7 and 4...and all with so much imagination,energy and "naughty"!!!

  37. I just moved to an old almost 100 year old house. My skeletube & I will dig around for buried and loved pets, and bulbs that might bloom in the spring.

  38. Such a cool piece. I love the packaging! It would hang in a place of honor in our house.
