A smörgåsbord of skull submissions! (received 10/29 - 11/4)
Scherke in Germany made this amazing "die-o-rama" for a Halloween party with some friends. He sent my Papercraft Skull along with the invitation and asked everyone to bring in the finished pieces!
Slim Palmer took this nice image in an Oxfordshire (UK) graveyard. [Slim your website is not working, I hope all is well.]
Scott found these happy skulls in front of the Pringle shop in Biscester Village, England!
Sompopo in Tucker, Georgia did a fine job making my Papercraft Skull.
Christelle took this awesome picture in a squat in Aubervillers, France!
StayNerv' in France showed off his excellent sock collection!
Jonathan spotted this wicked bowling ball on Overstock.com!
Ryan shared these terrific photos from the Golden Gate Park museum in San Francisco, CA.
James in London, England, pointed out a great article on skulls in design at the AIGA website called Forever Skull.
D. Scottt Williamson shared a "doctored" x-ray of his head as well as a cool cat scan showing his broken nose!
Vikker shared an entire album of skulls from around her home!
Tyrone made this awesome stencil art! In his words, "When I was getting out of the Army we were allowed to sign a brick on the wall as a farewell/rememberance type thing. I was determined to make my mark so I created a stencil from a sticker I purchased and stenciled it in 4 different layers on the wall to make the different shades needed. My brick puts the others to shame easily."
My friend Amy shows off the skull-tastic ornaments by recycling artist Emily Kircher at her store Alchemy in Richmond, VA.
Eliyahu made this beautiful linoleum print after seeing the Body Worlds exhibit in Oregon.
The folks at Designers Skulls are looking for submissions to this year's skull icon contest, details are HERE (you might even win the trophy shown).
I you haven't been checking out Trailers from Hell (warning: it's a noisy homepage) you should go now. They have amazing trailers from cool old films, with commentary by famous filmmakers. Here's the trailer from one of my all time favorite films (featuring a skull!) with commentary by Edgar Wright, director of Shaun of the Dead...
Thanks again everyone!
Submit your own found/made skulls at the address in the upper right-hand corner of the site. Please be patient it will take around 5-6 weeks for new submissions to be posted. Be sure to include what name and link you would like included and if you found it online a link to the source as well. Also if you're sending tattoos be sure to include the artist's name and location, so we can give them proper credit. I won't repost items I've received before so be sure to check previous Braincase posts.
Don't forget you can see your items in the sidebar right away if you post them to Flickr and include the tag "skulladay".
Wow @ the skulladay costume and skullphabet tattoo! So cool.
Haha I love the Groucho Marxist paper doll.
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