I'm celebrating the remainder of October with a Patreon-exclusive Skull T-shirt & Tote Sale! You will be eligible to claim one of these items if you pledge $10 to my Patreon OR pledge $25 and get 3 pieces of your choice between now and October 30th @ MIDNIGHT!
Please note that these are from a limited run that were released
for my Skull-A-Day book in 2014, so they are long out of print and there
are only sizes available as follows:
- Heart Skull: XL (only 3 left)
- Skull of America: S, L
- Decorative Skull: S, M, L, XL, XXL
The totes are only available in the Skulledelic design.
When you sign up through my Patreon, be sure to direct message me or comment on the special offer post to claim your item and design/size if choosing a t-shirt. Also, be sure to include your name and mailing address in your profile so that I will be able to ship it to you.
Sign up for my Patreon HERE to claim your exclusive gift today!