Charcoal on Tree Stump (approx. 3ft x 3ft). The bark had been falling off a large old tree near my house for a while so the city came by the other day and cut it down. The white underneath the charcoal is a large "D" that they spray painted on it, I'm not sure what it means, anyone know?
Maybe the D stands for dead? You know how bureaucracy goes - nothing's official until it's stamped or somehow legitimised by tons of paperwork.
Weird note: if you crop the image a little at the top, the sidewalk will form a cross in the background. Even with that, I doubt my mother would like the picture. I'll send her a link and check ;)
Happy Skullidays!
The Huckster has everyone looking for subliminal crosses now!
"D" for diseased?
Do not draw a skull on this stump! (they know where you live)
I love it. I would lve to see the looks on their faces when the crew returns to grind that stump up :D
D for 'done'?
It's good to see someone take an ugly old stump and turn it into a deathly work of art. Maye D stands for Dig up. They may come back later to grind it up and dig it out of the ground. Your skull is a memorial to the loss of a living organism. Bravo!
Dead? Done? D did it?
d for "dutch elm"?
was it an elm tree?
Man, your blog has grown!! ^^
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