This papercraft skull is downloadable as a DIY pattern PDF HERE. Make & decorate your own! (and of course send me a picture). Just print onto or glue to card stock, then cut, fold, and tape or glue via the directions.
Inspired by the great papercraft patterns from Readymech, NiceBunny, and Speakerdog. Via Home of The Skulls.
UPDATE 10/25: I've removed an unnecessary "glue here" X from the back of the jaw and replaced the PDF on the server with the new version.
that is freakin' incredible!
The more I view your blog, the more I love it! Keep it up. This is awesome.
MY jaw dropped open and I don't even have a pull tab in the back of my skull. This is totally amazing!!
That is so creative, I love it.
My boyfriend and I made a papercraft skull mask from Haunted Paper Toys.
Here it is in action.
2 words.. grim fandango :)
That game rocked.
Your blog is f***in' cool!!! LOL. And, I have a feeling you'll like where I'm headed with my latest piece...
Nice paper toy, I love skull. Have some artwork in skull in my blog, see here if you interest.
I will send you my photo of this, with my skin.
how many million hours did this take?
Too many for a daily project! At least 4, if I recall correctly.
Thanks so much.
I've printed it but do I have the brains in my skull to complete it?
I'd like to modify the pattern so the top of the skull opens. Can anyone design me a papercraft-brain to slide inside?
Great idea Dr. Dave! If someone does do it, be sure to send it in so I can post for all to have!
I'm a littl unclear on the back--do both the tab and the piece connected to the tab get glued together?
Which is to say, on the lower jaw, do the tab and the piece connected to the tab (both have an x on one side) get glued together--don't know what to do with the second (non-tab) x.
Sorry L, that's a typo! Ignore the second X. I've fixed the PDF to reflect that.
loved building it! http://flickr.com/photos/corneel/1765134194/in/set-72157600214864945/
Love this---but can you help out with the last few steps? I can't figure out what to do with those triangle cut-outs in the middle nor that separate piece with three folds.
OMG I'm an idiot, i didn't see that small drawing. Thanks anyhow!
That is pretty cool. Where do i have my scissor?
Your template is cool. I was customize it with my LINE, happy Halloween.
Hope you like it. If you interest, make it. :)
Holy Crap, THAT ROCKS!
Keep up the good work :-)
This made for an awesome Halloween handout. I printed up a bunch of them and after giving out the candies, I'd show the little skull I'd made and asked kids if they'd like to make one too. I had 100% acceptance - every kid wanted to make one. And they ranged in age from around 6 to 16! One girl - who was about 16 said "This is the coolest thing I've gotten today."
Kudos for a GREAT Halloween giveout.
Wow, what a great idea Dough!
I made mine. Very cool.
This is awesome!
Cheers ^^
Definately professional stuff!
:) Printable too
Is it my computer or is the link to print this skull pattern not working? I'd love to make some soon!
Temporary server problem is causing files to not download. Hopefully it will be resolved soon!
Hi Noah,
I really like your paper skull! Just letting you know I wrote about it in my blog here:
looks great, gonna get my daughter makin them at the weekend :)
This was a fun project. Thanks you so much for sharing. Here's my attempt at creating what I like to call Yakkity Yak Skull:
I just got done cutting, gluing, folding and assembling 120 skulls (with slight modifications) for my Tim Burton themed wedding!
Please send us pictures of the end results Scott!
I made this with my kids and will be blogging about it this week :)
Thank you for a fantastic template!
My 3D printed skull templated from your paper craft:
Thanks for the use of your template! I used it with my 8th grade students for a Day of the Dead art lesson. I posted pictures of them on my blog if you'd like to see them http://missartypants.blogspot.com/2014/10/day-of-dead-alter.html
Love this! Can't wait to make a few with my boys this weekend. Sharing!
what do you do with the random piece of paper that you cut out then stick it somewhere your work is amazing btw
Hi, this is Flávio from Brazil. So, last monday was my boss birthday, and I managed to craft ten pieces of this, to decorate the officce for the party. Everybody felt in love, and took the little skulls home. My boss as a rocker girl got amazed and really happy. Thank you very much ^^
Flávio: That's awesome! Thanks for sharing!
using this for a french prject about the catacombs pretty edgy guys
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