P.S. I'm heading out of town tonight through Sunday night. As usual, I will do my best to post the skulls I make while I'm away on the day they're done. But, rest assured, even if they don't get posted until after I've returned, I'm still making them every day!
Good thing you've had some practice. I found the beginning and end. I think, the beginning was in the upper left?
I found the beginning and end also, but I don't think I have 24 hours to follow the whole line. Nice work. Now take this to your local tattoo artist, tell them you want it done but at half this size, and watch their face turn red. That also works with the Mexican calendar--> http://olivercowdery.com/smithhome/1900s/pg121x.gif
I looked at the larger image, promptly had a seizure, fell from my chair and suffered a concussion.
who do I sue?
Someone with OCD+Flash skills should turn this into an animation that shows how it was drawn.
I'd love to see an animated version! Anyone up for the task? I'll gladly give you a print or t-shirt in thanks!
this really should be the next t-shirt printed! i would get it in a second! white lines on black fabric maybe?
This one is impressive!
At first glance, I thought it was a maze. When I was a kid, I would doodle in a similar fashion, hoping to create a maze with one continuous line. I'm VERY impressed with this work!
Tatman beat me to the tattoo idea. It wouldn't be done non-stop but I think I'm going to print #290 out and take it to my tattoo guy. He's just the type who would love to take this one on (not exactly the same image, but the theme) I'd forward it, but he doesn't do email and the shop owner would probably steal the idea instead of passing it on.
ps - I just went and found the beginning and end lines. The coffee has officially kicked in (took me about 20 seconds or so). One is near the upper left, where Pearson Metal Art mentioned and the other is lower right, right at the pivot point of the jaw.
I'd wear off my caffeine buzz trying to follow the entire thing, though ;)
Yes, I spotted the start/finish points and I also thought of a tattoist having a fit!
Animation would be brilliant!
one of my favorites. sorta dizzying, hehe.
I see them both, but is the beginning the end or the end the beginning?
Does the mouth say something? no pun intended... or am I just obsessing?
That is ridiculously impressive. Were you able to do that on the first try?
If I tried that, I'd end up accidentally crossing lines, and even if I managed not to, the whole thing would still be lopsided.
Well there goes my night! ;)
Oh no, b13, I don't think you're obsessing. I'm a several-month fan of the site - and the awesome art; and yet first-time poster; after some "organic flour", um, ehem, it occurred to me that the upper set of teeth spell:
I'm still working on the cryptic meaning of that, and also - whatever's going on in that lower grill. heh heh heh.
PS - caffeine is just another gateway drug; believe me. It is a nice one, though. Less likely to cost you your job, for example.
But on the other hand, the harder you go for it, the sooner you end up a mascot on this site.
"We all got it comin', kid." - Unforgiven.
I doodle this way - a lot more curves than corners actually. I must have covered hundreds of square metres of folders and bookpapers with lines like these. Used to think it was OCD, then got to college and realised I'd been drawing Hilbert curves all these years. Clever me.
I love it!!! But tell us. Did you draw it first in pencil or are you just that awesome that you dared to just go with the ink?
I agree, it would make a great t-shirt.
I think the mouth says "squeezee" on the top jaw, and "mumbleshorts" on the bottom.
this is my favorite one yet! and i've loved a lot of them.
there's just something about a doodle...or perhaps i'm just identifying it with my own similarly obsessive (but less skilled) doodling style.
no no - it's the crazy spinning eyes that make me love it best!
Thanks all!
Smashing Blouse: I did a pencil sketch of the skull shape to work within, but the line itself was entirely freehanded.
umm...if you are still looking for someone to animate this, i would love to! give me something to do over spring break...
Deviant Tart: Absolutely! E-mail me at skull at skulladay.com and we can work out the details.
Reminds me of the wrinkle drawings Charles Crumb drew as his mental condition got ...weirder.
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