A healthy dose of submissions from places far and wide...
(received 12/10 - 12/16)
Nuno Luz created this fantastic flyswatter!

Griff did a fine job completing the
paint by numbers created by
Olaf Hansel.

Lex10 spotted a great Andy Warhol desktop download at

Robot.Farmer was the first of a few folks to point out this nifty
Threadless shirt. (Thanks to Brian and Arbyn for letting me know about it as well!)

Denise took
this photo of a tough looking glass at B&J's Pizza in Corpus Christi, TX!

Jay from
Ektopia showed off his excellent limited edition
Skulb print (of which I am now the proud owner of one). The A3 sized prints are an edition of 20 on hand sandpapered gray card and cost £18 including UK shipping. Details
Nikki made this cute fellow after going to a poetry slam!

Liz Humpage of Cleveland, OH got this fun Christmas present from her former boss!

Helena was the first of many folks who pointed out this terrific (if not entirely safe)
motorcycle helmet at Santiago Chopper via
BoingBoing! (Thanks to Michael, Gene S., Ruth, Andrew, Damian, Moose, Frank, and Peter for letting me know about it as well!)

David showed off the nice
DVS shoes that he recently bought.

Omar from Mexico sent this amazing image of an All Saint's Day altar!
Ellen Bloom made this wonderful "writsy" for an "open air" guitar player friend of hers!

Kitty was the first to point out the sneaky skull hiding in the movie Ratatouille. In her words, "last night while watching the movie Ratatouille, I noticed twice when the "bad guy" of the movie typed something on an old-fashioned mechanical typewriter, I could see a skull. My little brother couldn't, but then if it looked like a naked chick, he would have." (Thanks to Steven for letting me know about it as well).
B13 made several great desktop patterns out of my
Ornament(al) Skull. Be sure to click on them for the full-size versions...

...and took this appropriate photo as well!

James Kay has put some nice
vintage plates by Gerard Van der Gucht from the 1733 anatomy book Osteographia on a print on demand site.

Duygu pointed out a couple of cool stickers on the streets of Kuala Lumpur via
Wooser Collective...

...and was the first to let me know about the
Chris Jordan piece Skull With Cigarette (based on the Van Gogh painting) depicting 200,000 packs of cigarettes (equivalent to the number of Americans who die from smoking every six months). (Thanks to Renata for pointing this out as well!)

Josh was asked to make this lovely welded skull based on a painting!

Sherrell made this simply fantastic 10" tall needle felted skull with hinged jaw from natural wool roving.

Moose pointed out the beautiful work of
Tina Anderson via
...as well as these fun
holidays shoes that were on sale at Urban Outfitters...

...and this cool piece by
Cycle via
Wooster Collective
Sam Tanis, who attends the Otis college of Art and design in L.A. showed off his fabulous ceramic vase titled "Grave of the Fireflies" (after the animated film of the same name).

Tina and Randy made this cute breakfast art!
Dan Constien shared these keen pictures he took in New Orleans...
...and at his in-laws' farm.

Courteney pointed out the fantastic work of
Alex Cherry!

Marthaberry shared this classic image by
Andreas Vesalius.
Rob Jones got his skullicious looking item at Donut King in Civie, Canberra, ACT Australia!

Shawn at
Craft spotted this
nifty pendant by Studio AMF on Etsy!

Gunter took this awesome pic of a creepy rock formation on the Oregon cost a couple of ears ago!
David took this cute photo of a gray gibon from Java/Borneo. In his words, "With those huge sockets it reminds me of Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing, but perhaps that’s just me." I agree!
My friend Ellie sent me this remarkably skull-like painting made by her daughter Margaret Ace at "nursery skull"!

And I had to share this paper bag I got with my breakfast the last day I was in New York City on my most recent trip there.

Thanks again everyone!
You are welcome to submit your own found/made skulls at the address in the upper right-hand corner of the site.
But please read the following FIRST:1. Be sure to include your name as you would like it to appear on the site.
2. Let me know if there is a website you would like YOUR name linked to.
3. I would prefer if you made or took the images yourself. 4. If you find the image online you
MUST do the following or it will
not be included:
- Do NOT send just a direct link to an image file (jpeg, gif, png, etc.).
- Attach the actual image in the e-mail.
- Give the name of the original artist (and a link to that artists' work if available).
- Provide a link to a web page where the art came from (if it wasn't directly from the artist's site)
5. If you are sending an image of your own tattoos be sure to include the artist's name, location, and website (if available) so I can give them proper credit.
6. I won't repost items I've received before so be sure to check previous
Braincase posts.
7. Please be patient it will take around 5-6 weeks for new submissions to be posted.8. Don't forget you can see your items in the sidebar right away if you post them to Flickr and include the tag
Freaky. I had the same thought when I saw the gibon skeleton re: Fear and Loathing, then read the comment.
In Ratatouille not only does Ego have a skull type-writer, he also had a coffin shaped room. (I love that character soooo much.)
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