A whole mess of super-duper submissions...
(received 11/19 - 11/25)
Sean Kingston made this awesome sculpture! In his words, "I worked at a crappy trinket store in my early twenties that carried precious moments and other figurines. How I hated them! But occasionally one would come in broken and I'd 'modify' it to bring balance to the universe."
...he also made this tough looking steel lid!

Shukgirl spotted these cute
rosary relics on eBay!

Anji, a tattoo artist at hpp ink in Eugene, Orgeon showed off some of her great work!

Chuck shot this cool pic in Paris!

Claire spotted this awesome movie poster!
...these great dice in Paris!

...this neat simulacra on the the London Underground District Line!

...and this cool poster and graffiti near Brick Lane, London!

Ian shared his excellent art that he's making a T-shirt out of!

My friend Christian pointed out this T-shirt worn by Jimbo on The Simpsons!

Scott showed off his terrific new tattoo by Ed Dieringer at Electric Lady Land in New Orleans.
Peter M pointed out this awesome skull on the
14th Ave Hospital in San Francisco, CA!

Laura spotted this neat sculpture in a Vegas store window!

My friend
Jessica found this great hat at
Slipping Through My Fingers!

Arbyn Incubus pointed out this neat
site about skulls from the California Academy of Sciences. It includes a whole section on
skulls in culture, with a range of nice images including this terrific poster by David Lance Goines.

Fauxred caught this creepy window display in an Arrogant Cat store in London.
Martin in Hamburg, Germany shared his fabulous artwork!

Kirsty pointed out this nifty chair that was for sale at
Rockett St. George (but is no longer there).

Patti shared these pix from her son Ben's visit to the awesome Paris Catacombs!

Gary in Papua New Guinea, showed off his fantastic art. In his words, "My ancestors were warrior cannibals....for their final examination for new initiatees, they would have to procure a skull of an enemy warrior..."

Matthias made this lovely drawing!
Kat created these lovely pieces!

Cuauhtemoc shared this
site for an awesome cultural project in Mexico City!

Kell in New Zealand made this splendid piece!
AND I just got this fantastic matching hat and mittens set from Kim in Australia! She made them using my
8-bit skull as part of the pattern. She also kindly included some old 5.25" floppy discs. Hopefully I can find a use for them soon!

Thanks again everyone!
You can submit your own found/made skulls at the address in the upper right-hand corner of the site.
Please be patient it will take around 5-6 weeks for new submissions to be posted. Also
PLEASE NOTE: I would prefer if you made or took the images yourself. It's OK to send things you found online ONLY if you credit the original artist and give a link to the source page! I will no longer include images that are from direct links to image files. If you're sending your tattoos be sure to include the artist's name and location, so we can give them proper credit. I won't repost items I've received before so be sure to check previous
Braincase posts.
Don't forget you can see your items in the sidebar right away if you post them to Flickr and include the tag