Lipstick on Mirror with Model in Bathroom, NYC. A huge thanks to my friend Christine for being my model and letting me be a bit subversive in the office of the major beauty magazine where she works! So if this were a scene from a movie, what would the movie be about?
She's is either on her way or just finished some kind of ritualistic serial killing
Please tell me you left it there for the magazine people...
Movie, though: I was thinking maybe that she'd been hallucinating, seeing skulls everywhere, and that this was a manifestation of that (film cuts to same scene, but without the skull). She looks too nonchalant about it, though.
I'd have to go with the serial killer idea - the skull is probably her calling card.
Wow, this is a fabulous foto. I'm not sure about the movie, probably one I wouldn't go see, but definitely a great shot.
A modern day Hamlet:
"Now get you to my lady's chamber, and tell her,
let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must
come. Make her laugh at that."
Having the mirrors there makes me think of the last Poltergeist movie. Maybe this gal has trouble with the dead trying to contact her through mirrors. You know, "I see dead people in my reflections".
Or maybe she's some kind of serial vandal/killer who leaves her skull mark wherever she meets her next victim whose house she will invade, kidnapping them and performing sick acts of torturous pleasure until they die with a smile on their face and blood in their mouth.
Is that what you were looking for? Nice work as always!
I love this pic. I wonder how freaked out people will get when I show them this lol.
The scene is framed as the killer dons a fresh application of lipstick just as casually as she used the same, new stick to leave her trademark skull on the mirror of the men's room. Just before, she cracks a sly grin following having cleaned her mouth and hands, as though she'd just finished a dinner of a juicy, rare, filet mignon.
We discover during the film what they were unable to show in the movie trailer: that our girl was cleaning up after a chance meeting. An exchanged wink and nod in the hallway, giving indication of interest in a little bit of naughty public play...
Unfortunately for our victim, he discovers mid-fellatio that his momentary partner is the infamous serial killer known as The Lipstick Skull, who has left him to bleed out, while no other person remains in the building to hear his screams, except for his murderer, who simply smirks.
ooooh... you should have taken two shots from a tripod. One like this and one with her turned toward you. Then splice the two at the line along the right of the skull so that the mirror image is different from the live girl. :)
No wonder you're a graphic artist b13. Great idea. That would look "killer"(haha, I had to do that).
Christine is a fox
Dorthy C said:
You had me at subversive.
I was going to suggest hit woman leaving her mark, but kitty beat me to it.
So, instead, may I suggest a movie about a psychic who goes into hypnagogic trances and uses automatic drawing to record what she sees. When she awakes, she can't remember what she saw, so she keeps wondering what all the weird graffiti is about.
I think the title is "Skull Fiction"
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