The night started with a pre-ceremony cocktail meet and greet in Wall Street. It's was ridiculously hot in NYC that day and everyone was sweating in their finery (myself included). They had a press photographer there so I made sure to get an official sweaty shot, note the belt buckle given to me by Joseph Biondi AKA b13...

After that we headed across the street to the main event. The space was huge and I was seated at a table all the way to the side at the front, so the view of the stage was fairly poor. I figured I must have been placed at the small fry table. Then I asked around and it turned out I was sitting with folks from ESPN and ABC, so I guess they're considered small fries too!
Seth Meyers did a great job keeping the 4 hour(!) ceremony moving along, though everyone seemed pretty tired as the last few categories were announced. Luckily I got my 15 seconds on stage before dinner and could relax for the rest of the evening.

It looks like I'm singing a soul ballad here, but I'm really saying "This could be a spine." The five words that popped into my head before running up to accept the award.
We then headed over to the after party which featured an awesome set by Ludacris who was promoting his new project WeMix, that actually seems pretty cool.
The two highlights of the night...
Walking by a table with the following people sitting at it: Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, David Byrne, Cindy Sherman, and Steven Colbert! I couldn't bring myself to ask for a group photo, but I did say "hi" to Laurie in passing.
Finding out that Ben Huh of I Can Has Cheezburger? is a fan of Skull-A-Day!

FYI they don't actually give you your award statue that night, so I haven't gotten my "spine" yet, but rest assured I'll photograph it with a skull atop when I do get it!
Thanks again to everyone who voted for the site and helped make this crazy thing happen!
Very Cool! Congrats
Two of my favourite web sites, w00t!
(S+A+D) + ICHC = WIN
Excellent man, congratulations again. You look cool on that picture. No comment on the other ;)
(In my best Keanu Reeves)
That is MOST excellent that you wore my buckle! :)
Congrats on the award. Wish to meet you there one day ;)
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