Whew, this site might have to go on for another year after I'm done making skulls just to keep up with all the great submissions I've been getting! Here's this week's batch...This one just blows my mind: Skull-A-Day now has a theme song courtesy of my friend GrĂ¡'s group
Right/Option-Click to Download the 720kb MP3 HERE. Here are the lyrics he wrote:
It's the skull
Skull a day
And you won't come back someday
From the skull
Skull a day
How's that seem today?
Skull a day
Skull a day
Where for art thou, Skull a day?
Skull a day
Skull today
Where's my Skull a day

Emily and her boyfriend were inspired by Skull-A-Day to make this deliciously awesome oil and garlic skull!

Kathleen and her grandmother made these terrific tasty looking skull cookies last Halloween!
Fin made her own cute versions of the
Baby Toy Skull!
Glob Glob pointed out this anatomically correct chair that looks rather skull-like.

Karen shared her super cool office skull collection.
Emily makes these wicked cool crocheted rugs (which are for sale on

Josh spotted this skull themed kid's outfit in California.

leiarenee made this lovely cherry pit skull and these great applique projects.

Doug's daughter found this "skullnut" shell for him!

V. showed off her awesome real(!) and piggy bank skulls.
Wackystuff shared one of his spiffy art cards!

Mandy O. was the first person to send me a picture of a completed
Papercraft Skull!
Jan-Christopher Przybilla made this terrific skull illustration.

This is the first thing Keenen ever made using Photoshop!
Blanche makes these really lovely earings (which are also for sale on

company produced this dispenser for the short lived Death Cigarettes in the UK about 15 years ago. He says, "The packs sit in the chute inside the skull and if you want to smoke you must withdraw the cigarettes from the jaws of death." [Personally I hate smoking, but I'm definitely fascinated by this marketing tactic. I guess no one could say they didn't know what would happen if they smoked Death!]

Janet shared her amazing bridal shower cake, wedding cake, and jack-0-lantern!

Nat made this cute skull in his morning coffee.
A huge thanks again to everyone for sharing your skulls! If you want to send your own just e-mail 'em to the address at the upper right hand corner of the site. Please be patient, I've got a giant backlog of submissions so it could be anywhere from 3-5 weeks before yours will make it to the top of the pile.
And finally, if you're on
Flickr and you have skull themed photos why not tag them
"skulladay"? I've added a sidebar gizmo to show them off as they get added!
P.S. Thanks to asianpixie, Gypsy, Andrew, and Cheryl & Larry for letting me know that the infamous Damien Hirst diamond skull has sold for $100 million. Read the story
thanks! we were so thrilled with it!
That chair is nuts! *giggles*
Wow! My new fave braincase! I think each new one is my new fave. ;) I love that link to Whakystuff! Thanks. It's so great... You have a little Skull-A-Day cult! Now I see skulls everywhere :D
Yep, once you start looking for 'em they turn up everywhere. Mmm, cult-y.
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