Monday, May 4, 2009

Skull-A-Day 3.0 Contest & Nomination

As part of the transition to Skull-A-Day 3.0 Tatman, Citizen Agent and myself would like to find out which of the original 365.25 skulls are your favorites. Starting today we're taking nominations for the contenders. Comment below with your top 3 favorites and in a week we'll compile them into the top 52 list for the Skull-A-Day community to vote on. These skulls will then be showcased through year three and even be added to the Facebook Send-A-Skull application!

And since we're asking you to go back through all of the original skulls to pick out your favorites we couldn't resist offering you a little bonus. Tatman has come up with a list of Skullvenger Hunt Clues that reference 25 of my skulls. You have one week until midnight ET Sunday, May 17th to e-mail your answers at the new submissions address and then one person will be selected at random from all of the correct entries and win an amazing skull lamp donated from Tatman himself! I'll even give a signed book plate to the 4 additionally randomly selected correct submissions. The clues can refer to the materials or the titles and can be pretty tricky, so read them very carefully (one extra hint, the answers will be in order from older to newer). To be clear you have to have ALL 25 correct to be entered to win the prize. Remember, DON'T leave your answers below for others to see, instead e-mail them to us!

About the Prize: Justin says, "It's a ceramic type of material. I am pretty sure it's handmade. On the bottom it says 'To Jim 1980' and 'Mom & Dad'. It measures 5 1/2" wide, 8 1/2" tall, and 8 1/2" deep

The clues:
1. "Oh, my god, Becky, look at her skull."
2. Your psychiatrist may help you find this one.
3. Your spork is afraid of this guy.
4. This was cut, not burned, like it usually is .
5. This must represent an evil idea.
6. A doctor's recommendation for your daily skull fix.
7. "Hello, front desk? I think my room here in Winston-Salem is haunted!"
8. This is the center window piece in the Skull-A-Day cathedral.
9. This one had plenty of cushion for his brain during shipping.
10. We expected a new skull everyday from Noah, but this was the only one that was expecting.
11. Holy Guacomole! This skull is ripe!
12. Take "note", Noah didn't draw this one, he erased it.
13. Your dentist's worst nightmare.
14. This skull makes the most cents.
15. Don't ask this skull any questions. It won't be able to tell you.
16. From Florida to Idaho, the "views" of this skull are masterful.
17. "I don't know, Doc, personally all I see are skulls."
18. The ingredients caused this skull to rise to life.
19. This skull could pass through the eye of a needle easier than a camel anytime.
20. All the links forged in life are used to make this skull.
21. Noah took his time to put some loyal readers on the map.
22. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
23. See inside the mind of the Skull-A-Day creator.
24. Circles of light, shaded right, captured out of focus.
25. You get a "raw" deal if you order this skull to GoGo.

leave a comment below with your top 3 favorites original skulls AND e-mail your Skullvenger Hunt answers to us.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Nice collection of Skulls :P

Gwendoline Blosse said...

look my blog, i'm making a big vanity with plastic flowers.nice job.

Liz said...

Wow, these are cool skulls. Nice work!

Tatman said...

Hey there,

I hope everyone finds time to finish the Skullvenger hunt. I had a blast looking through tall of Noah's skulls and creating the clues so I hope everyone also enjoys revisiting the Original 365.25 skulls and finding the answers. I don't know if my vote counts but here are my favorite 3:

I always liked #10 United Skull Of America because it is so unique, patriotic, and it spawned a few more continental skulls.

I always laugh at #224 Butternut Squash for his hilarious expression.

And last but not least, I love #310 Googly Eye for the sheer craziness. I mean, it's a skull made out of eyes , aaaaand, SKULLS DON'T HAVE EYES!

Be sure to email your Skullvenger hunt answers. If you post them here then you'll be helping your competition. What are your favorite 3 skulls???

Anonymous said...

This is such a cool idea!!!
Thumbs up.

thomas said...

Have you done a post on the Crystal Skull vodka from Dan Akroid? Love the site!

Unknown said...

after careful consideration, my faves for nomination are:

1- #245 Reel-to-Skull

2- #25 Introducing The Skoon (skull + spoon)

3- #51 Watermellon Skull

Yannie said...

Scary but cool. Congrats!!!! Blog of notes

PearsonMetalArt said...

I see fame has its price.
My favorites are,

#113 Skull Pick - The detail is great and it's the perfect shape start with

#152 Hair Skull - Because it freaks my wife out

#259 Sand Painting Skull - Very well done

nitebyrd said...

I shall try to complete the hunt. The lamp is so cool! Narrowing it down to 3 favorites is going to be hard.

Citizen Agent said...

Future C said:

If I were making a SAD 1.0 Time Capsule and could only take 3 here are the three I would pick.

#85 Found Bottle Skull#168 Escape from Skull Mountain #268 Skull Island

Unknown said...

Nice skulls how much would it cost to get some like the first pic on a jacket?