Monday, January 21, 2013

[CONTEST] Win a Personalized Etch Glass from Tatman Glass

This contest has ended. Thanks to all of you who entered and good luck in our future giveaways!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen(and non-gentlemen)!  It's been such a great pleasure to host all of these magnificent giveaways from all of our wonderful sponsors that I had to reward myself with the awesome feeling of giving a prize away as well.  So, here I am with my specialty- a Skull-A-Day etched pint glass.  I cut all of the stencils for my glasses by hand on each glass so that no 2 glasses are truly the same.  The glass you see featured below has Noah's #149 Cocoa Skull Stencil on the front, and it will truly be a one of a kind for one lucky reader who will be randomly selected to have their own name etched onto the back side using Skullphabet #1.

Show your friends your true love of skulls while you sip from a skulltastic etched glass with YOUR NAME on it. The additional bonus is, you can drink ANY liquid from this glass.  Water, tea, a hearty stout brew, whiskey, ANYTHING! (Please read all warning labels on any liquid before you drink it, and use some common sense. Please!)


PRIZE INFO: One (1) Personalized pint glass with #149 Cocoa Skull Stencil on the front and the winner's name in Skullphabet #1 on the back.  

HOW TO ENTER: I want to know one of two things.  Either how long you've been a Skull-A-Day fan, or how you found out about our site.  Whatever you choose.  I've been here since the first month (maybe first week) in 2007 because I was looking for some skull cabinet knobs.  True story.

CONTACT INFO: If you win, we need to contact you. With your comment please include your email addressEntries are only valid with this information!  You can break it up to avoid spammers(i.e. skulladayfan AT skulladay dot com).

WHERE TO ENTER: All entries must be made on this blog post, on You CANNOT enter this contest by commenting on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

CONTEST CLOSES: 11:59:59 PM Eastern Time Friday, January 25th.


PRIZE SHIPS: Apologies to our international fans, but this contest is only open to North American entries.  Glasses are just too heavy and fragile to make the long trip.

IF YOU DON'T WIN: You can always get your own Official Skull-A-Day pint glass at Tatman's Glass site.  I'm still only offering the #9 Stencil Skull, but if I get more positive feedback I may start to offer any of the available stencils on our Free Stuff page.  If you would be so kind then let me know what you think.  Good luck!!!


KC said...

I began reading Skull-A-Day in 2008 and love it!

docrenee said...

A friend of mine directed me to the site, because i have a "thing" for skulls. I am a psychiatrist and am always looking for tastefully done your site

Scott Schluter said...

I don't think I can answer either one! It has been a while since I have followed. I found you, I think, doing skull searches. I've always loved skulls!

skullandbones15 said...

In the last couple of months in 2012 I searched for skulls and you guys came up!! I immeditely liked n have been w you ever since. Skullandbones15 @

Unknown said...

I believe I found skulladay back in 2010 when I was looking for all things skull related. Been a fan since!

Social Justice Social Worker said...

I became a fan of the Skull-a-Day blog and started reading it in 2008, because I got Noah's book for Christmas in 2007 and didn't want the book to end!

dx said...

Sometime in 2007 or early 2008.
Not sure how I got here. I think I was looking for skull info on ggl, saw a cool one that linked here and have been following ever since.

dixon_r_s AT yahoo. com

Dr. M said...

I learned about Skull-A-Day a long time ago, I can't actually remember when...maybe through a neatorama post? And even submitted things to the old site before the book happened. But, I started following religiously (yeah, subscriptions, alerts and everything) after a week of research (hooray for research grants) at the Mutter Museum--the book and some of your art was featured in the lobby and shop there.

I headed to the Mutter for the same reason every creepy kid does...weird things are cool. And that's why I follow you here.

I want that glass for mah kool-aid!

amanda.rachelle.warren at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I found Skull-A-Day about a month ago looking for skull stencils and fell in love with the sight!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I've been here since 2008 Dec, having found you while searching for inspiration for an art project. I read the ENTIRE archives in one sitting. Whenever someone states they are "bored" with the Internet, I send them to you to rekindle their love for accidental and deliberate art. Fig817 at yahoo dot com

Irene A. Lawson said...

Just started following you in the past month. I am a ceramic artist and use skulls in my work on platters.

Seraphynae said...

Been a fan since 2009, think I found this site through tumblr.

Anonymous said...

I've been in love with Skull-a-day since finding you through a random twitter search late in 2011. You guys are 7 kinds of awesome sauce. <3

Chris Bosley said...

I've been reading/admiring this site for about 2 years. It inspires me to create skull art...which I really need to photograph for you sometime...

chriswbosley at gmail dot com

SalvagedLove said...

Fan since 2012, although not sure exactly how I became aware... rumblings on the internet, I'm sure. Funny thing though, after mentioning Skull-A-Day to my brother recently, I found out that he was actually on the blog back in 2008! I've always loved skulls, and use them often in my jewelry design, as well as seek them out in fashion and decor. This glass would be a lovely addition to my collection!

Jacque said...

Been a fan since maybe 2010.
Went to the Mutter Museum last year for Skull Appreciation Day.

jacque.england at

Malletslam said...

I've been reading the blog since 2008, then I bought the book and I've been hooked ever since. I've used the stencils on many project. I love everyone's work on this blog. Thanks for the hours or entertainment.

Trish F. said...

I've only just found the site today, via a link from Street Anatomy. As an anatomy enthusiast, this one went straight into the bookmarks. Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do!

tf junkemail account at G mail
(that's my spam-catcher one, just in case. Remove the spaces.)

wicKED said...

I have been reading this blog since October of 2009. I was searching for skull pictures inspiration and stumbled upon it!

meatnpotatoes36 said...

I just found you guys today. I was just browsing for cool skull stuff. Awesome work!
Michelle G.
lovinhugs36 at hotmail dot com

caliban23 said...

I've reading the S-A-D blog for about 3 years now after a friend sent me some unusual skulls image she found here. I've been hooked ever since.

caliban23 (at)

brian said...

I've been following for about a year now. I don't remember how i found your page though :/ I believe it was through a google search for "sugar skulls"!

brianjachim at gmail dot com

Blogger Admin said...

Started here back in the beginning of Noah's original project but can't remember how I found it anymore. Always been a skull fan so naturally gravitated here. arcanadei at excite dot com

Kim said...

Found it on facebook, looking through an artist friend's pages they liked.
kimperial1492 at gmail dot com

Captain Morgan said...

It'd be pretty rad to win this puppy for my birthday. Cheers!

Little JMC said...

I have been a fan since 2007. Can't remember how I found your site. I really love skulls! macadelladodge AT gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Been here since the skulls

Salingger said...

I've been coming to this site almost daily since I found it. I was just searching for skulls on the internet. And found one of my favorite sites.

zyg0na said...

I have been following since I stumbled across the Skull-a-day blog randomly while Google surfing for Skull art back in 2010.

Anonymous said...

I saw the dead media skull on Tumblr, loved it, and followed the link back to here!
sailingthroughgreywaters at

Unknown said...

I've been a fan of skull-a-day for about a year. I think the idea is great and it's the best damn skull blog out there. Plus, Tatman's work is one of a kind.

Josh Yoder

joshjosh2012 at yahoo dot com

Ann said...

i don't know how long i've been visiting skull-a-day...a year maybe. wish i'd found you sooner,because i've probably missed some great posts. i've been trying to read all the posts!!!!..and i will get to all of them!!
i found you through another blogger!
adivelbiss AT sbcglobal dot net

Unknown said...

I came across skull-a-day a couple weeks before christmas, because i was looking for skull curtain rod ends and a damask skull print stencil i could buy to paint all over my house and addicted since. Thanks by the way, for creating a badass site, and for everyone's generosity.
cupcake n crossbones@ h o t m a i l. com