Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
57. Plastic Skull Type 6 a.k.a. "Poly Styrene"

Cut cup made of type 6 plastic (Polystyrene) which is not recyclable in my hometown of Richmond, VA. I was disappointed to be given this cup as my water glass in the vegetarian restaurant where I ate lunch today, the only upside is that it has been recycled into a skull now.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Braincase III
More terrific submissions this week from around the globe! Check em out... (click on images to enlarge)
Vicky found this cute skull lurking on a coffee cup lid.
Josh discovered this skull on his daughter's pants.
Kira shared this copy of a lovely commissioned painting she made in 2000 and the sad story of how the original was burned up by the new owner in a fit of anger over the end of a relationship. "Alas! Poor Yorik!" indeed.
Mariana took this nice picture in the Paris Catacombs (where I've been twice!). It contains between 5 and 6 million skeletons (arranged by bone!) and is a must see if you're not claustrophobic.
This awesome 8-bit skull was made by Heavy.

Boris sports this neat stylized tattoo on his arm.
Jennifer made this spiffy color theory project in art college.
Jheelan shared this nice collection of skulls/skeletons.
Danilo was inspired by the United Skull of America and United Skull of Europe to make the Skull of Latin America!
Jeff spotted these high-priced skull shoes in San Francisco.
Matt's girlfriend was inspired by Skull-A-Day to make this amazing hanger skull...
...and in turn Matt made this cool autocross "skulmet"!
And Patrick was inspired by Skull-A-Day to make a "Top 10 Skull Tattoos" post on his excellent Inklusion blog!
Thanks again everyone, it's so nice to know that my little project has inspired you in some way. New submissions are always welcome at skull at skulladay.com.
And finally a skull themed video treat from a childhood favorite: The Electric Company (via The New York Glob)...

And Patrick was inspired by Skull-A-Day to make a "Top 10 Skull Tattoos" post on his excellent Inklusion blog!
Thanks again everyone, it's so nice to know that my little project has inspired you in some way. New submissions are always welcome at skull at skulladay.com.
And finally a skull themed video treat from a childhood favorite: The Electric Company (via The New York Glob)...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
53. Bar of Skull
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Braincase II
Lots of new submissions from all over! It so fun to see how this project has inspired others...
(click on images to see large versions)

Adrianna, age 6, was inspired by Skull-A-Day to make this amazing skull.
Christine spotted this guy in NYC (after also spotting one of my chalk skulls in person!).
Yoman3d shared his personal collection of skulls.

Rob found this unexpected skull in the scraps that remained from a piece of art he made.

Justin was inspired by Skull-A-Day to make these cool skull drawer knobs. He also shared these decorated skulls he made a few years ago.
My friend Sarah just excavated this Amerindian skull in Carriacou, Grenada. It's from between 300-1200CE.

Brittany discovered this skull inside of a Playskool Gloworm.

Christian was inspired by the United Skull of America to made this United Skull of Eurpoe.
Thanks everyone!
If you want to share your skulls, send 'em to skull AT skulladay.com.
(click on images to see large versions)

Adrianna, age 6, was inspired by Skull-A-Day to make this amazing skull.

Rob found this unexpected skull in the scraps that remained from a piece of art he made.

Justin was inspired by Skull-A-Day to make these cool skull drawer knobs. He also shared these decorated skulls he made a few years ago.

Brittany discovered this skull inside of a Playskool Gloworm.

Christian was inspired by the United Skull of America to made this United Skull of Eurpoe.
Thanks everyone!
If you want to share your skulls, send 'em to skull AT skulladay.com.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
47. Twig(gy) Skull
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
44. "In The new" Crossover Skull
Today's post is a special Crossover with the blog In The New. Details below.

Ink on the Hand of Jen from In The New. Jen is doing a one-year daily project blog as well, in her case it's about doing something new every day for the year leading up to her 30th birthday. Since I was in her town we decided to meet up for lunch and do a crossover post (you know like when DC characters show up Marvel comics and vice-versa?). Her new thing was to help make a skull (link to her post) and I agreed to do something new, in this case using another person to create a skull. Thanks to Jen for being a patient model.
And special thanks to Brad for suggesting and demonstrating the hand skull to me.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
40. Chipped Paint Skull

P.S. I'm going out of town for the next 4 days, but I'll still be making skulls while I'm a way. However, there's a chance I might not be able to post them every day, if that's the case I'll post them when I get back. We'll see.
Braincase (Suggestion Box part 6)
Wow, tons of great stuff has been sent in from all over the place! So much that I've decided that "Suggestion Box" doesn't fit these entries anymore so I'm trying out "Braincase". First a question...
And of course thanks to everyone for linking here!
Heymaniac asks "Why Skulls?": A. Why not! B. I've been pretty much obsessed with skull and skeleton imagery since I was a kid. C. They remind me of the brevity of life. D. All of The Above.Now that that's cleared up let's dive in to the submissions (click on the images to enlarge)...
A big thanks to you all!
Michael found this creepy skull when cleaning out a paint tray (if you're wondering, the color is "chilled lemonade").
Kim made these lovely ASCII skulls using this site.
Xaq Fixx hand painted this boot.
The mysterious "C" sent in this poster mash-up (I swear I really don't know who "C" is!).
DaRkNeSS DeMoN used the skull stencil on a PC case!
Andréa-Ja sent this photo all the way from Auckland New Zealand!
A suggestion from Grá, "Oh, you gotta make a rag-weave skull (like in a rag rug.)"
W (possibly Vincent) sent Origami Skull instructions!
And of course thanks to everyone for linking here!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
39. Bark(ing Mad) Skull.

Carved Bark (11" x 5"). This piece of bark was waiting for me out front of my house this morning and was clearly crying out to be made into a skull. Don't listen to crying bark, it's not easy to carve.
P.S. Thanks to everyone for all the great comments! I really appreciate the positive feedback and suggestions. I read them all, and while I don't have time to reply to each (and make skulls, and still work!) I will be following up on several of them soon. I'll also be making another "suggestion box" post in a couple of days with all the great submissions I've gotten, so stay tuned.
P.S. Thanks to everyone for all the great comments! I really appreciate the positive feedback and suggestions. I read them all, and while I don't have time to reply to each (and make skulls, and still work!) I will be following up on several of them soon. I'll also be making another "suggestion box" post in a couple of days with all the great submissions I've gotten, so stay tuned.
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