Yet another great batch of skull submissions from all-over... (received 10/8 - 10/14)
Moose was the first to point out artist Jim Riswold's terrific response to the Damien Hirst skull. (Thanks to Jessica for letting me know about it as well.)...
Chris was the first to point out the spiffy skullified wing tip shoes at Vivre. Thanks also to Byron, Moose, Bonnie, and Tim for letting me know about them as well.
My friend Sarah spotted this great unintentional architectural skull in Rome and her husband Peter found the cool stencil in the Rome train station!
Elisabeth showed of her cute paper mask and confetti earrings!
My friend Mady and her husband Phil found this devilish cinnamon skull lurking in their coffee filter!
Rod pointed out the terrific work of Bonni Reid (who recently sent me a note, so expect to see more of her work in a few weeks!).
Kenn Perkins showed off his truly impressive skull collection!
Antoine shared a few more neat images including one from Alaska in the 30's and a doll by Marilous Danse.
Elin took this yummy photo at a grocery store for me!
My friend Jessica found this awesome knit hat (with pattern) at Knitty!
Glob Glob took this keen photo through a kaleidescope baby toy! And models some spiffy finger bands in a photo from Wiseblood , who also found some cute toys.
My friend Anna told me about the secret Cadaver Society at Washington & Lee University. In her words, "They spray paint skulls all over campus - - and we allow it because they also contribute a ton of money anonymously to different university projects. No one knows who the members are or how they are selected - - but I find skulls on kids cars, the football field, buildings, etc."
Tiffany Deckelman made this lovely piece titled, "Casino Royal"!
Jeff shared this trippy T-shirt image.
Christian showed off a couple of a friend's wonderful wool skulls.
Carol Ann shared this creepy/cool image of her daughter's hands holding a giant African millipede taken by her husband as well as this card from 1988 by L&D Dillon.
Kevin showed off his cool tattoo which he had just gotten from Fallen King Irons!
Miles, age 12 from Illinois, made this excellent image in MS Paint and also shared an photo of a terrific bag knit by his mom Robyn.
Michael pointed out this terrific collection of painted baby skull replicas made by Angelique.
Terry showed off his amazing hood ornament!
Elicanis took this great shadow photo!
Dokuro made this extra cute illustration!
My friend Shelia spotted a skull lurking in her ice cream (a little hard to see here, but I trust it's there)!
Kevin found these neat-o fantasy skulls at ThinkGeek.
Thanks again everyone!
Submit your own found/made skulls at the address in the upper right-hand corner of the site. Please be patient it will take around 4-6 weeks for new submissions to be posted. [In case you're wondering it takes 2-3 hours to put together one of these posts!] Be sure to include what name and link you would like included and if you found it online a link to the source. Also if you're sending tattoos be sure to include the artist's name and location, so we can give them proper credit. I won't repost items I've received before so be sure to check previous Braincase posts.
Don't forget you can see your items in the sidebar right away if you post them to Flickr and include the tag "skulladay".
Awesome! I've been finding skulls all over my school, so I'm going to put together a picture collection at Flickr.
That "wolfy" pic looks like an evil schipperke... We've had 3... who am I kidding? All schipperkes are evil.
I can't do the stereogram one and it's really annoying me XD has anyone got any tips on how to see it?
Wow! All this great stuff.
Ryan is a skull genius, obviously he's related to you!
The "card by L&D Dillon" is also the cover art for the edition I own of Ray Bradbury's novel The Halloween Tree, which I read every Halloween!
All very cool.. I gotta get one of those knit hats!
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