Wednesday, February 6, 2008

248. Mmmmmm Skull

841 arranged candy coated chocolates (Approx. 15.25in x 15.25in [39cm x 39cm]). They were already in a convenient set of gradated colors thanks to the upcoming holiday. Here's a smaller picture so you can get the full effect...


Anonymous said...

wicked cool!
your work totally goes on my top list of awesome art!

Kim said...

LOL it would have been awesome if you'd started with one colour of skittle and sucked them just enough to make them the desired gradient.

Of course, that would take forever and would be very sticky... :P

Keltie said...

I love it! Those look like Smarties, although I don't think Americans have the Canadian chocolates known as Smarties, do you? I know you have dusty little candies called Smarties, but they're not the same thing. At all!

ANYhow: I was suspected of making a mask out of Skittles the other day, so this skull made me laugh. Mmmmm indeed!

b13 said...


Tatman said...

Once again I'm amazed at the complexity you give to ordinary things. Excellent!

Noah said...

Thanks all!
Keltie: We don't have chocolate Smarties here, but the title of this post is a hint as to the name of the material used.

mim said...

I really like this one. I like how it holds the skull image on the grid. When I first looked at it without my glasses, I thought it was a cross-stitch piece. oh, keep my glasses on!

furgoner said...


congratulatios, it´s wonderful

from argentina

Keltie said...

Yes, I figured it was M&Ms if it wasn't Smarties, but haven't seen the Valentine's version of them around. I actually like them better than Smarties. I hope I don't lose my Canadian citizenship over that.