Monday, February 18, 2013

[CONTEST] Win A Set of Bronze Skull Beads From Skeleton Knives

This contest has ended. Thanks to everyone who entered with a comment! Stay tuned for more giveaways to come...

When the overhyped zombie apocalypse finally gets here (some day) it will be survival mode for everybody. That will have to include the incorporation of a trusty survival knife and lanyard to get you through the years of reverting to frontiersman like conditions. Now you have a way to easily identify your knife while being skullified at the same time. JT from Skeleton Knives is here today to offer a set of 5 of his 2012 cast bronze lanyard skull beads. These are cast using the lost wax process and since they are bronze should last many centuries. A sturdy piece of hardware guaranteed to last longer than any brain eating ghoul.

PRIZE INFO: One (1) set of five (5) bronze skull lanyard beads from Skeleton Knives.  The skulls include 1-African, 1-Dios de Muertos, 1-Alien Polished, 1-Alien Satin, and 1-Gas Mask. These are made with vertical holes to accept paracord with the exception of the African skull which has horizontal holes. Each skull measures approximately 12mmx15mm. 

HOW TO ENTER: Leave a comment stating a useful tool that you would want to have around after this supposed zombie apocalypse occurs.  In case you can't tell I'm a little skeptical, yet I still want to prepare for the unexpected.

CONTACT INFO: If you win, we need to contact you. With your comment you must include your email address.  Entries are only valid with this information!  You can break it up to avoid spammers(i.e. skulladayfan AT skulladay dot com).

WHERE TO ENTER: All entries must be made on this blog post, on You CANNOT enter this contest by commenting on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

CONTEST CLOSES: 11:59:59 PM Eastern Time Friday, February 22nd.


PRIZE SHIPS: To skull lovers worldwide.  The need for survival is worldwide if not universal.  Everyone is invited to enter.

IF YOU DON'T WIN: You can always get your own skull lanyard beads from Skeleton Knives, as well as a few other useful tools that are as cool as they are enduring.  Thanks for sharing your work with our readers, JT, and for helping to properly prepare us for whatever may happen.


Dr. M said...

Go buy a tactical shovel now! Then sharpen it and decorate it with these cool skull beads. You will not only be safe, but bad-ass.

Anonymous said...

"That's not a knife. THAT's a knife" - Crocodile Dundee

That one.


Kim said...

My trusty machete, very sharp, with a lanyard and these wonderful skull beads!

kimperial1492 AT gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Tool? I need no tool, I have my fists! That's all I need.

AngelaRae said...

A sword. Swords don't need reloading. They do need awesome skull beads, however.

Angela dot rae at gMail dot com

grafik said...

I was going to say a gun but that might draw more of them! A machete or large knife!
guityrafik AT gmail DOT COM

Jacque said...

A rocket launcher

Jenny Oak Fae said...

A sword that becomes blue, when zombies are near..!

; )

Unknown said...

A Dadao

Unknown said...

A SOG PowerAssist multitool, that'd be my choice, would look mighty good with a lanyard and skull-beads :)

hellscapearts at gmail dot com

Stormy said...

A sonic screwdriver, of course! :-)

Anonymous said...

I gotta suggest 2 'cause you're going to need a gas mask for sure but also make sure to pick up a water purifier. You won't get a chance to use a weapon or any other tool for that matter if you can't breathe or die of thirst. - gary (AT)

flash7g said...

Although a sword would be an awful lot of fun, a shotgun would probably be best for most situations.

Pugsley said...

Complete set of Mother Earth News. With that, you could build, grow, convert anything you could possibly need. pugsleymcgoo AT sbcglobal DOT net.

Kevin (Rikitikikevi) McIntyre said...

I think a machete. Why ruin a perfectly good skull with a bullet? And since the zombie apocalypse is going to be gross, why not make it a *little* grosser?

markymark said...
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markymark said...

I reckon my japanese samurai sword would be very useful, quick and silent...
My Katana would look awesome decorated with the skull beads on the handle..
Then it would be time to enter the killzone !!!

Unknown said...

Is a gun a tool? :)
Cakeordeath3 AT gmail dot com

Nagzter said...

something with a large, sharp blade!

laura at

Rebecca Halley said...

A sharp sword and bad attitude

jen and grant said...

my iphone... with my igun app - so i can shoot the zombies until my battery dies

emailje n ha n AT gmai l dot COM

Gothic Overlord said...

a pen... its mightier than a sword... plus you can write "kick me" post its on the back of zombies so at least if you get killed you get last laugh!!!

Couchgirl13 said...
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Couchgirl13 said... many good ideas so far. My instinct is to go for a large knife, no ammo, useful is other ways. Then I also saw a few comments about water purifiers and such. I think the one tool I would like to have is access to a library. That way I would never be bored (since there would be no Skulladay to keep me happy), and I could learn to do pretty much anything as far as survival goes. Guess I'll have to put these skull beads on some book marks! :D

email is


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

A scythe. Not only will nobody have time to cut grass so it will come in handy for that, but it would be great with one swoop for cutting of zombies heads and you could pretend to be the grim reaper :D

Unknown said...

my digging stick.

caliban23 said...

I have a beadworker friend that do some awesome work with these. (I would want at least one for myself).

email: caliban23 (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Blunt, AK47 are useful tools that I would want to have around after the supposed zombie apocalypse occurs!!!! :D

Nikoli said...

Handy dandy MacGyver knife of course!

Unknown said...

i would have a walking stick with a piece of lead on the bottom .used for prodding zombies and sticking them if needed!

dx said...

A towel of course! Always know where your towel is.

Alma Geddon said...

I would like to have Johnny Depp's tool thankyou please then I could die happy! hahaha

pupton said...

There is a current TV ad on now that I find hilarious. It talks about the unicorn apocalypse. So my weapon of choice would be a unicorn zombie!
pupton58 at gmail dot com.

dolores said...

I think I want a Leatherman or Swiss Army Knife with every geegaw they have and some flint on the lanyard so I can make fire and dig for water!:)

Those beads are amazing!

Helvis Presley said...

i love these beads. i'd pre fer the kukri machete that cold steel makes.

xfilekc said...
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xfilekc said...

My tool of choice would be an old fashioned two ended can opener.
#1 - to survive you'll probably be eating a lot of canned food
#2 - sharp end can be used as a weapon
#3 - sharp end can be used as a carving tool (leave messages carved in a tree)
#4 - dull end can be used to peel fruit.
#5 - sharp end might be useful to sharpen sticks for a stabbing tool

These skull beads would be an awesome indentifier on your can opener.

sorry, forgot my email address
xfilekc at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

a mini light saber samurai sword (a remake of star wars light saber/gogo's weapon from kill bill) and the force

Dirty Dave said...

My bike. No gas required, but would allow me to remain mobile - ahead of the advancing zombie hordes.

Marnat3 said...

My son and I both believe a Crowbar and a Machete would be essential.

cverdi09 said...

Being a carpenter, I would want a hammer. For self defense, then rebuilding. If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the...
cverdi09 at gmail dot com

Salingger said...

I would choose an aluminum bat. A shotgun would be nice for a while, but doesn't swing as well. When you run out of ammo. The aluminum bat won't crack and splinter. And is light to carry and for skull crushing.

Pirates life said...

Life or death situation....Id have to use 'NUN'chucks!

InkMarqued said...

A compound bow, good for hunting food and zombies, low tech enough to be mucho macho..

inkmarqued at

LiliththeCupcake said...

I would use these on my switch blade, dagger, short sword and machete and knife pen :)

Unknown said...

i know a few tools and i wouldnt want any of them around....let the zombies have them....

Lee said...

I would take a bow and arrow! You have to practice but if you are neat, you can even make your own ammunition! Saver than a knife and more convenient than a gun!

lil_mfip AT

Unknown said...

On my paracord bracelets !!!!

Erin Bunting said...

A bronze skull helmet, to keep them from eating my brain! erincbunting AT yahoo dot com

darkandtwisty said...

a screwdriver i know i will be lost with out it!

RFrench said...

All the comments here re: weapons make perfect sense, but this is Skull A Day guys!

With that in mind, The tools that are necessary for sanity -- that is in turn necessary for long-term survival -- are... Sculpture tools.

I would stay sane enough to survive by sculpting a skull a day!

- ryfrench1 at hotmail

Social Justice Social Worker said...

A Shaolin fighting spade, obviously :)

Robin said...

A set of crochet hooks. do I really need to explain the obvous?

Anonymous said...

A corkscrew.

Good for all the wine the zombies won't need (and I will ;-) and pretty good for defense as well.

Anonymous said...

my tool is simple....

my key to the Ace Hardware that i work at.....

nuff said...