P.S. A very special thanks to B13 for kindly honoring Skull-A-Day with a Creative Blogger award! We were given a joint award with the impressive Daily Monster. The award is one of several created by Christy Z. who asks that winners honor 5 others, so expect that post soon.
or skotem!
sounds dirty!
LOVE this one!
Dayamn, that's pretty impressive
Congrats on the award, Daily Monster is good company to be in!
Holy moly. I cant believe how complex and timy and are getting.
Can you cut one on a piece of rice exacto man!
Rice? Hmm....
Ooh, theres that "name on rice" jewellery. Oh man, that would rock, possibly as much as those pencils.
wow very intricate wonder how many pencils are broken now
and did u use an exacto or some otha knife
Actually no other pencils were harmed in the process, but I did go through a lot of Xacto blades!
Man, in school, all my pencils were chewed up... I wish I had some of these back then though :)
Another highly impressive image.
holy cats.
THIS is too cool.
back to mediocrity for me...
You could sell those! You need a business... You can have us in your basement carving pencils. :)
Thanks Monster-Manic, that made me laugh out loud imagining that scenario!
Really? Great! :D
This is another of my favorites. I want me a penskull!
Nice ! ;)
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