Another superb collection of international submissions!...
(received 10/15 - 10/21)
John from Japan shared these awesome custom rings from his store

My friend
Adrien was the first to point out the "beautiful and ridiculously expensive" Mori Ex Cacao chocolates from
Valerie Confections! (Thanks to Yayo, Grace, Brad, and
Jessica for letting me know about this one as well)

Nicole, a baker in NYC, made this fantastic apple cranberry pie in honor of Skull-A-Day (I wish was able to have a slice.)!

Yayo shared
Jennifer Lew's extra cute
"Bear Skull"!
Leiarenee shared the work of
Atalier Van Lieshout, including this "Wellness Skull" which features a relaxing bath inside!

Hannah spotted ths great ring by
MikeandMary over at Etsy!
Monster Maniac found this classic death's head moth at
Neatoramaand a nifty poster by
Kipling West
as well as this scary spider by her

Moose spotted this lovely piece by
Wolfe Lenkiewicz.

And also this tattoo and simulacra via

As well as these delicious looking white chocolate skulls by
Crafty Chica at

Arbyn Incubus noticed this unintentional skull on "
The Totally Rad Show".

Jerry got this terrific tattoo, designed by Laura Walker, and inked at Yankee Tattoo in Dundee, Scotland.

Mark shot this great photo of a piece of jewelry by
William Llewellyn Griffiths.
Philip found this excellent recipe for "Skull Crusher Chocolates" at
Cut Out and Keep and a creepy skull hologram illusion at

Jenny Campbell discovered this cool unintentional(?) skull while scanning and archiving images for the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore.
Olaf Hansel in Hamburg, Germany, made this terrific paint by numbers [I got this a month ago and totally forgot about it until after I'd made my own paint by numbers yesterday, maybe I was subconsciously inspired!].
André Brocatus pointed out a whole bunch of excellent skulls he posted on his
blog, including this screen capture from
Kylie Minogue's recent video, which features a skull microphone (thanks to Joran for pointing this one out as well)!
He also found
Ricky Swallow's iMan,
Uneetee's Arrrgyle Shirt,
Christoph Steinmeyer's Disco Inferno,
Hyun Koolee's Anas Animatas D,

Robert Lazzarini's distorted sculptures [which I've seen in person and they really do look like this!].

Jesse made an even more headache inducing version of the Skull-A-Day desktop wallpaper!

Alan shot these lovely sugar skulls in Mexico City.
B13 discovered this skull face hiding in an underpass he drives through every day.
Chris and his friend made this nifty headhunter pole.

Jason Gaver spotted these cute kids' gloves in Spokane, WA.

Joe M. Kniss, a scientific visualization researcher, made these awesome
volume renderings of the "Visible Male" from the Visible Human Project sponsored by the NIH while a graduate student at the University of Utah.

Octochan points out this source for terrific life sized cast
chocolate skulls!

Carl from Victoria, TX found this spiffy DIY paper airplane at
Mike Castello showed off his cool illustration work!

Vampiress found this astounding art car from
Burning Man 2002!

Drew reminds us that there are plenty of nice skull/skeleton related items for sale at the
Evolution Store in New York City.
Neil Thomson discovered this chair lurking outside of the Bulington Club in London.
Leah A. Allen made this excellent piece out of varnished mulberry paper stuffed with cotton!

Nick Jessen of Bethesda, MD made this lovely sketch!

Raphael found this awesome skull in the bathroom of the Thunderbird Lounge in St. Etienne, France!

Ben Wheeler made this superb gear shift knob while working for an automotive accessories store!

Ronnie did a great job making a skull illustration for every day in October! See them all on his blog

DILLIGAF found these happy graffiti skulls in Austin, TX.

Pablozeta made this excellent psychedelic image!
Thanks again everyone!
Submit your own found/made skulls at the address in the upper right-hand corner of the site.
Please be patient it will take around 4-6 weeks for new submissions to be posted. Be sure to include what name and link you would like included and if you found it online a link to the source as well. Also if you're sending tattoos be sure to include the artist's name and location, so we can give them proper credit. I won't repost items I've received before so be sure to check previous
Braincase posts.
Don't forget you can see your items in the sidebar right away if you post them to Flickr and include the tag