Latch Hooked Yarn (12in x 12in). As promised, another yarn skull (though no one guessed it would be this!). I bought a pre-existing latch hook kit of a puppy and made my own pattern using the yarn colors provided. Since the color proportions weren't exactly the same I got a second kit to have the extra yarn. I made the pattern in Photoshop by reducing a photo I took to 40 x 40 pixels and then saving it as an 8-color gif (with manually adjusted the colors to reflect the existing yarn). I enlarged the result and printed it out and then used it to determine each strand as I went. The total production time was around 9 hours (which I believe makes it the most time consuming piece yet) and actually gave me a migraine headache near the end, which I had to sleep off before I could complete it!
UPDATE: Since Kim asked, here's a
link to the 40 x 40 grid (enlarged) that I made for my pattern. Have fun and be sure to send a picture of anything you make with it.
simply amazing...
i'm sure after i look up what the hell latch hooking is on wikipedia, i'll have even more respect
worth the effort! fantastic
Haha wow! That's the same approach you'd use for designing a counted cross stitch pattern. You should send me the 40 x 40.
That is just plain incredible. I used to latch hook rugs with my grandmother as a kid, and it takes forever, so go on you for sticking with it.
Holy crap. I almost failed home ec class in middle school over a damn latch hook project 1/3 of the size you made . I cant believe this one! At least this one you will have forever.
The last time I made a latch hook I was in fifth grade. It was a winged unicorn flying over a rainbow. No really. Yours is infinitely cooler.
This is superb. Moody and shaggy at the same time.
Well, no wonder you had a migraine...you did this in one sitting!? yikes! It looks amazing.
Hmmm - you better start working on that hobo nickel now...
In comparison, 9 hours will then pass like a glint in the afternoon sun...
Wow! Now that's truly crafty.
That's some very nice work. Wish I had a big rug like that...:)
FYI, My girlfriend has done some latch hook kits before and ran out of yarn in the middle. She called the customer support number on the box and told them that she ran out they have always sent more for free.
is there anyway you could provide a color scheme for it. Like which colors you used and which yarn company you used. btw...that was really awesome.
Glad I followed the link back to this one, the depth using the colors really seems to jump out more after a second look. Good job.
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