The astounding submissions just keep pouring in! In fact I'm about 3 weeks behind now, but I promise I'll post them all eventually, so hang in there if you're waiting to see yours!...

Silas, a tattoo apprentice in Georgia, made these two lovely animal skull drawings.

Renata spotted this great tomb marker while visiting the
Etruscan Museum in Volterra.
Glen C. had some fun with the
Skull Stencil on a basement ramp.

Shazam from France made this awesome "Curly" Skull. And says, "As a former punk singer, I had a real skull in my bedroom for a long time, but one night I decided to put it back to the soil, so I burried it just beneath the Eiffel Tower in Paris..."!

Mark Jones made this incredible Skull Door for Halloween last year. Here are his directions if you're interested in making your own, " I used a vacuum former to make multiple skulls from styreen. They are mounted on panels with magnets to grab the metal door. The stuff filling the gaps is expanding foam. Paint to add creepyness, and there you have it."

Jonathan & Eva sent in this simulacrum image from the
Fortean Times.

Bob Conge from
Plaseebo created this wicked cool (glow in the dark!) skull mummy.
[The only bummer is that it's made of
vinyl which I'm doing my darndest to avoid these days. Aren't there any good alternative materials for cool toys to be made from?]
Mike Egan makes awesome paintings, many of which contain skulls. So awesome that I actually bought this one!

My friend Kenny Hamilton is also a terrific painter. I wonder if he'll sell me this.
Tiki Chris pointed me to his super-cool
Skull Mask Project. I can't wait to see the results!
Ralf introduced me to his dapper friend

My friend
Jessica spotted this illustration in Telegraph magazine
Matt Weekly created this damn fine looking Mr. Toy2r custom.
[see my comment about PVC above]

k sent this sweet image of skull love.

Zombie37 spent a sick day at home adding "skulladay" to their
Flicker photos!
P. spotted this great skull in NYC last Spring.
Thanks again to you all, it's a real treat getting surprise skull e-mails throughout the week!
And a big thanks to everyone for their book suggestions! Next up, I need to get some contacts with publishers (I've been told cold calling is no good) and prove this project is popular enough to warrant a book!

Finally, an
update about the
Shrunken Skulls created for the
Art-O-Mat 10th anniversary swap meet event in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I went down with 50 Saturday morning and came back this afternoon with just 8! The majority I traded for other Art-O-Artists' work (see my new art collection featuring 3 skulls below). I also met plenty of great folks (including fellow artist
Herbert Hoover, showing off his skull ring below) and had an all around terrific time.

So how can you get one of the remaining 8 Shrunken Skulls? I'll let you know soon!