Arranged and Cut Found Crushed Plastic Soda Bottle, Bottle Caps, Soda Can Tab. I found the bottle in the parking lot of a local art gallery recently and the other pieces on my bike ride through town today. I am constantly amazed at the things I'm willing to touch in the name of making skulls.
I love that skull! Nice shape and textures.
its a skull in a bottle
very nice
This is my favorite skull so far. The shape makes it look almost alien and the disproportionately large cranium makes it look intelligent. Eerie.
here there is another one: http://www.petercallesen.com/index/images/HalfWayThrough3.jpg
Looks like Bevis...of Butthead. I forget...
Oh my effing god! This is my favorite so far!
Enjoying that typhoid fever?
it's not my favorite.
i don't have one.
we saw you in the Halloween make the other day. i got all giddy and told my husband "it's almost like i know him" i felt ridiculous afterward - truly - but i was insanely happy for you.
did you think - even for a second - when you started this that it would be so popular (and you didn't even have to start smoking, or drinking, or having teen-aged sex!)?? has it resulted in business? (that's just evil curiosity)
anywho... yeah
ew on this skull
dirty bottle head with rusty eyes. and filthy teeth. *shudder*
p.s. my secret word is hcace - immediately i translated it into head-case - which is oogi-ly close...
love the lighting...makes the plastic look like metal...
reminds me of futuristic animation I saw of a worker guy losing his soul in a factory....
but he looks rather cunning.....enough to keep his soul?
maybe he owns his own business!!
garbage skull rocks!
Thanks everyone!
Neuroticmeeps: One has to suffer for their art, right?
Fin: Ha, thanks! I really had no idea it would get so big so fast, but I'm glad it's struck a chord with so many folks! And no, sadly fame and fortune do not seem to go hand in hand (yet).
J: the animation you mention is called "More" and you can watch it online HERE. It really is a great little film.
Way to recycle!
I agree with the alien remark -- I actually think the bottle looks kind of like grey skin.
Ok I must have looked at this 100 times already. If I were to own one piece from the collection I have to say this one would be it. Sort of Sledgehammer meets Losing my religion meets Tim Burton.
Ha ha ha, this skull makes me laugh, it's so cute and alien and I'm thinking of how it would sound if it could talk. It's cracking me up!
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