My friend Phil discovered a laser skull hiding in his wife's older Mac mouse...

And Jack Morgan found this skull urinal mat at Blackfriars Playhouse during their appropriately skully production of Revengers Tragedy. He says it is, "the skulliest play I have ever seen. Vindice poisons his murdered girlfriend's skull (pictured) and tricks the lascivious duke into making love with it. Then there's a head in a bag and more skulls. It makes Hamlet's skull scene look like a talk on archeology or something." (image of Benjamin Curns by Tommy Thompson for the American Shakespeare Center).

It's not often that you see someone taking pics in a public restroom. At least the floor was clean.
The laser skull is cool. So sneaky...
It was a great production, and maybe I was just skull nuts when I went in there.
We're doing Hamlet here now, which is pretty awesome to see next to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead.
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