Contest time again! We have been so fortunate to be able to offer so many different and unique skull items on our site, and that list is still growing and diversifying. Today's skulls are in the form of a FREE GIVEAWAY from Casa Del Barco restaurant located in Richmond, VA. This is the first time we have had a restaurant sponsor a giveaway, but they came prepared to offer more than spicy aromas, flavorful dishes, and a one of kind tequila bar. Check out more about our great sponsor and what they want to offer TO YOU.....
"Using recipes passed down from his Hispanic grandmother, Executive Chef Todd Richardson aims to bring a new twist on traditional Mexican dishes to Richmond. Unique entrĂ©es such as Beef Barbacoa Enchiladas, Gaucho Cut Skirt Steak, and Blackstrap Molasses-Glazed Salmon will delight visitors as they dine in the historic circa 1890s Reynolds Metals Italianate building, featuring recycled and repurposed materials throughout, from the tabletops to the bar’s foot rail. Casa Del Barco boasts a growing list of over 100 different tequilas, sure to please the casual spirit drinker to the seasoned aficionado."
That's a lot of skullified goodness to fit onto one plate, and Casa Del Barco is serving it up right by rewarding our skull loving fans with a smorgasbord of wonderful prizes featuring some sensational sugar skulls. Here's the details:
PRIZE INFO: Four lucky winners will receive one of the following prizes: 1- CDB skull flask, 1- CDB skull bamboo iPhone cover (Sizes: 4s, 5, 5s or 5c),1- CDB skull t-shirt (mens and/or womens), 1- set of 4 CDB sugar skull pint glasses. One prize per winner.
HOW TO ENTER(this is important): Leave a comment stating your opinion on whether you think it's "tequila" or "ta-kill-ya". No offense to you tequila connoisseurs, but I say it's the latter(I'm a scotch and whiskey kind of guy). I also know - to each their own and I want to know where you stand. p.s.- Since the iPhone case is such a specific prize, and not everyone may need that, please also include "iPhone- yes" or "iPhone-no" in your comment. That way we will know and send it to an appropriate winner. Thanks!
CONTACT INFO: If you win, we need to contact you. With your comment you must include your email address. Entries are only valid with this information! You can break it up to avoid spammers(i.e. skulladayfan AT skulladay dot com).
WHERE TO ENTER: All entries must be made on this blog post, on You CANNOT enter this contest by commenting on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
CONTEST CLOSES: 11:59:59 PM Eastern Time Friday, November 1st.
PRIZE SHIPS: To skull lovers across N. America. Sorry to those overseas.
IF YOU DON'T WIN: You can visit
Case Del Barco yourself if you are in the Richmond, VA area. Check out their site to find out more on where to find them and about what's happening at Richmond’s premiere dining destination for upscale Mexican cuisine, waterfront dining and a one-of-a-kind tequila bar. Thanks to Casa Del Barco for these awesome giveaways and
The Flores Shop for designing them!
To me, it's Ta-Kill-Ya. Never could stand the taste of it. IPhone-No. skullsandheartscrafts AT yahoo dot com.
the second- phone yes- amazing- please come open in Columbus Georgia- we need an authentic
lawrence private 1 @ gmail dot com
Totally Ta-Kill-Ya! iPhone yes.
tyffydawn AT gmail dot com
Not a tequila fan, so it's "ta-kill-ya" for me! I LOVE those pint glasses with the skulls - gorgeous! iPhone - No thanks. Would love to visit the restaurant sometime!
lara at larakretler dot com
It's Tequilla all the way baby!
I phone-no
Thorarp at gmail dot com
It's "tequila" now....but dang, it has to be the GOOD stuff. I have a very fuzzy memory of the "Ta-Kill-Ya" in Cozumel...where my Sis-In-Law and I demonstrated that there is an ENTIRE industry dedicated to getting the drunk Americans back on the cruise ship....wouldn't touch the stuff for the longest time after that.
Pint glasses and flask are awesome, though. :)
krystie dot griffin at gmail dot com.
Tequila and no iPhone
lidaredles at yahoo dot com
I prefer Ta-Quill-A and know my husband wound enjoy his ta-qiulla-a in the skull pint glasses! No iphone.
kellyhubka at mac dot com
Mmm.. I love me some tequila <3
IPhone yes
Tat2unme at gmail dot com
for me its TA-KILL-YA forsure cause its really killing me everytime!! no i-phone
love_n_rock @ hotmail dot com
Tequila! Though it is important which brand and color you choose to make the experience a good one. Hint: Gold Cuervo can kill you dead. :)
Ta-keeeee-Lah! With lime!
Please enter me... iPhone yes. :-)
Would LOVE the drinking glasses.
Tequila??....Why Yes, Yes Please
iPhone - Yes
mtn_freeride at yahoo dom com
Only because it almost did once...
I almost became a pickled sugars skull that note....
A good time was had....
What I remember anyway!
ICrap - NO
Tequila! iphone yes (please).
definitely Tequila.much and often :)
no iphone
I know it's punny to say ta-kill-ya, but it's not helping anyone to change a Spanish word to a clever English phrase. Thanks for the contest! iPhone-no. ellingtonblades aT ay-oh-ell dot com
Ta-kill-ya, for sure :) The one time I indulged, I... well, I honestly don't remember.
i-phone no (I wish it would fit my phone - it's gorgeous!)
bintie at gmail
Trace Generations Resposado is my Favorite!! YUMM!! iphone-no
QTKT78 at gmail dot com
Its Ta-Kill-Ya for me now! Ever since I went with a friend to Tijuana and we finished off a bottle of homemade, I can't smell the stuff without gagging. iPhone - HELLS no!
Generally tequila friendly, not fiendly. No iPhone. Glasses please, please, pretty please!!!
jacque dot england at yahoo dot com
Ta-Kill-ya! iPhone-No. emrie87 AT hotmail dot com
Tequila for me! No iPhone. eeyore17026 at gmail dot com
taquila, iphone yes, pollyesther1313 at g mail dot com
iphone yes
Tequila.. totally... iPhone- no :) monkey at skeletaldropkick dot com
tequilla: That which does not kill us makes us stronger
jcoffin AT
Tequila!!! But the better stuff.
iPhone yes please.
merkattwo at
Absolutely Ta-Kill-Ya!
Iphone - yes
twentyfourstars AT gmail DOT com
Tequilla with an orange slice and cinnamon- YES. Other wise to-kill-ya for sure.
Iphone- no thank you
amanda_h41 AT hot mail. com
Not necessarily "ta-kill-ya," more like "ta-kill-someone-else." I'm normally a happy drunk, but tequila makes me wanna fight people. That flask would be killer for my whiskey, however.
iphone- no
fromhell13 @
For me it's Tequila, especially good in margaritas! Iphone, yes please! And i'm knitnick at gmail dot com. Love all the skully stuff!!!
TA KILL YA!! Iphone no. lettmonib at yahoo dot com.
In the past I may have said 'Ta-Kill-Ya' mainly being a whisky drinker, but having been exposed to the world of finer Tequila, and Reposados, I've come around. Bring on the Tequila! iPhone negative...
skaterjon @ gmail dot com
Don't care howz u say it, just give me another. tequila me-a-me-go !
iphone no!
badbonz@ gmail dot com
It all depends on how much of it I had... the day I am drinking it I would call it tequila.. the day after it is definitely ta-kill-ya!
Oh and no i-phone here, sorry.
Oh it's fer sure Ta-Kill-Ya, but like that Jesus guy we rise again to forge on for a new day haha. Iphone-Yes. mrorigin.jb@
Ohhhh, Tequila? yes, yes and yes.
iPhone cover? No thanks, but it is pretty cool.
Awesome giveaway all the way around.
It was Tequila - until I over did it at about age 25. Iphone - yes. Rvastef @ gmail dot com.
Tequila - much & often
no Iphone
Can't have a good Margarita without Tequila! Won't drink it straight though. No i-phone. crowgoddess at gmail dot com.
Tequilla! Especially in the mountains of Jalisco!
cakeordeath3 at gmail dot com
definitely ta-kill-ya! iphone- no.
Tequila without doubt. No on the iPhone.
richard.hayes13 @
tequila, iphone yes!
I guess it goes with the experience. I have fond memories of drinking tequila with my mother on lazy Sunday evenings during past summers.
ta-kill-ya for sure
iphone - yes
jenniferbshell at gmail dot com
Tequila if it is the good stuff. Ta Kill Ya if it isn't. I want to try the stuff in the sugar skull bottle!
Some days tequila some days to-kill-ya the older I get it seems to be a toss of the dice. Still delighted by margi's on the beach though ;) i-phone =NO
Of Course, Ta Kill Ya.... I always have a terrible headache after drinking it. No Phone.
mary at
to me it can be both!! it's tried to ta-kill-me before but i'll still drink it on occasion - with an orange slice instead of lime! no iphone case please - but love all the other stuff!!
je ph
Tequila (plus some craft beer, if you don't mind)
iPhone No
parfu2 @ gmail dot com
ta kill ya!
cheshirebunny @ hotmail dot com
It's definitely tequila in my books....the only shot I can take straight!
iPhone 5-Yes please!
The pint glasses are awesome too!
shivani.k.desai at gmail dot come
Tequila~yum!!! no iphone. love all things skull
tequila shot!
and iPhone yes
refreshka AT gmail dot com
Please & thanks! :) Meg
Meg DOT Rauschenberger AT milwcnty DOT com
I'm also on the ta-kill-ya bandwagon. iPhone-no here.
happyartistgirl at
Can't turn down a good shot of tequila or a margarita; but maybe that's because it's not a frequent thing - craft beer & whiskey will always have a place in my heart (homebrewer & craft beer snob at heart)
iphone - yes
Alexandra dot ralbovsky at gmail dot com
Tequila por favor!
iphone-no thanks (samsung next time maybe? )
midnyght zero nine zero three at yahoo dot com
My grampappy always called it "twa-QUILLA", and I'm not about to try and get him to stop now.
iPhone - No thanky.
leazarus AT geee-mail dot kom
Definitely Ta-Kill-Ya! never liked the taste. Could only drink it if I have it with sour gummy worms.
No iPhone
Used to be tequila, but more like Ta-kill-ya in my old age...i have a husband and a dui that i could thank/blame tequila for :-) But i can still do a shot like a champ if the situation requires.
Tequila, the mighty thunderous nectar from the gods! Straight out of the freezer, one of the most amazing creations of all time!
I-phone - no
It's Tequila! Cause Whatever!
Iphone - No thankyou please.
cat dot f dot robertson at gmail dot com
Depends on who's making the Margaritas but usually it's Tequila!
Ta-kill-YA! lovely lovely stuff! Iphone- Yes. bauhaus1979@ yahoo dot com
Ta-Kill-Ya! Definitely whisky friendly. iPhone - yes kmcintyre2004 AT gmail dot com
Tequila ♥♥♥♥♥
IPhone yes :)
Divaeva at cox dot net
Tequila ♥♥♥♥♥
IPhone yes :)
Divaeva at cox dot net
Ta-Kill-Ya!!! Just the smell alone... lalasherry at comcast dot net
TA-KILL-YA, lovely lovely stuff! iphone-yes. bauhaus1979 at yahoo dot com
Definitely TEQUILA! iPhone yes. Calichica17 at yahoo dot com
1 tequila 2 tequila 3 tequila, MORE!, 4 tequila 5 tequila 6 tequila, FLOOR!
callmegoose1 AT gmail dot com
Tequila Reposado, of course!
Cool prizes!! But iphone: no.
Me gusta tequila...but in the morning it can feel like ta-kill-ya!
iPhone, no
amaldonado (at) inlandrc (dot) org
Tequila! On the rocks, please. i-phone no.
Tequilla always!!!!! I-phone no...
Ta-Kill-Ya! Like it but don't handle it well. iPhone-no.
Such cool items !!! Tequila !!! no i phone case....
Tequila! I-phone no. sleepsmistyshade at yahoo dot com.
ta-kill-ya!! If you aren't careful it will knock you on your face. Iphone-yes.
keeelah! to keel ye- and I ate the worm- yum- tastes like chicken-frog:) I love the Mexican flavors and wish you would build a place in Columbus GA- we need you! I need your stuff!
I've never been a Tequila drinker, and hey, Ta-Kill-Ya sounds like a nice threat in a drink. Maybe it should just be a brand name: Ta-Kill-Ya Tequila!
Also, iPhone-No.
It was Ta-kill-ya, so I still can't drink it, but good tequila is REALLY good. Oh stupid 19 year old ruined everything.
phone case sure
tequila definitely!
iPhone no
scottschluter AT gmail DOT com
Revising to include e-mail.
If it's straight, it's takillya. If it's in a good homemade margarita, it's tequila. iPhone no.
kfcaudell at usa dot net
Tequila Mockingbird. iPhone Yes
Tequila. I grew up in California, so it's Tequila. iPhone no.
kimperial1492 at gmail dot com
Ta-Kill-Ya....a.k.a....the panty dropper. Ugh!
iPhone-no, thank you
bludaze74 AT YahooDotCom
Ta-kill-ya fo' sho'
kbrown1984 at hotmail dot com
It's tequila bayyy-beeeee!
fogmama at
I'll take the iphone case, it would give me an excuse to get an iphone LOL
iPhone - no
salvagedlove AT gmail dot com
It's tequila for me, although I don't drink it anymore. Iphone - no. Thanks! LKing104211 at gmail dot com
Tequila, totally! Throw an orange slice in there and you're golden! No iPhone please! Lizzypeach at
I would definitely say its ta-kill-ya. Have you seen the worm hanging around at the bottom of the bottle.
IPhone = no
xfilekc at yahoo dot com
Tequila! iPhone no.
Alicia dot troiani at gmail dot com
ta-kill-ya - I'm a whiskey drinking kind of girl! (Jack is my favorite of course!)
IPhone - yes! I would love that!
katiepenley91 AT hotmail DOT com
Ta-kee-la. Like Pee Wee said in the Big Adventure. No iPhone here. levitt.linda at gmail.
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