The Paper Doll Skull is available as a free DIY PDF HERE. Don't you think it needs more clothes? Make your own and send in a picture to share!
P.S. Skull-A-Day just cracked the top 5,000 blogs list on Technorati! Thanks for all the links everyone! Don't forget you can grab the code for a spiffy Skull-A-Day web button HERE (you can see what it looks like in the bar at right).
ha ha ha...ha ha haha ha ha, you are so fun!
This is fun. I love the Marylan hair in particular.
'On the left'? Honest question: does your site have different skins? It's on the right for me.
Whoops,I meant "right"!
Oh wow! This is my favorite skull yet! Thank you so much for making my day :-)
Oh man, my son is gonna love this when he gets home from kindergarten! I love it!
Great...something else to distract me at work!
Great Stuff
Image Abuse
Finding meaning: Lincoln is connected to Kennedy
Kennedy is connected to Marilyn through rumors
Marilyn was in a movie with Groucho and Groucho is rumored to have said he wanted to be buried on top of Marilyn
Groucho is a Marx and so was Che.
I love paper dolls, perfect for halloween playtime!
so fun!!!
I love this! Come check out my paper skeleton:)
Thanks everyone!
You are in rare form C, nice one!
I <3 skulls, but (unfortunately) have approximately 0 artistic talent...I have a "skull wall" in my apartment, which currently consists of a mosaic skull mirror and two shelves holding various skull items. Now, thanks to this and the papercraft skull from day #72, I can have something on the shelve that I (kind of, sort of, partially) made...Yay!!!
Thank you, and I love your blog!!!
Awesome! Thx for the freebie!
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