Fabric Woven Through Chain Link Fence (approx 4ft x 4ft [1.2m x 1.2m]). This is a side street off a major thoroughfare so only dozen cars or so passed by while this was being made, and no one stopped or asked what was going on. A massive thanks to my friend Betsy for suggesting this one and helping with its creation (including getting permission from the police to make this, since it is at the site of a future precinct)! Here's a detail view...
Ive seen kids at elementary schools use cups pushed into fence holes to make messages or images. Very cool idea.
Did you get to leave this up or did you take it away? Very cool.
Part of getting permission was promising we'd take it down after we were done!
Oh, I've just finished reading V for Vendetta, and this is very reminiscent of Finch's acid trip at the Larkhill ruins. Looks like the fabric was caught in a breeze -- very nice effect.
Is this technically a fabric skull or a chain link skull? Just trying to spark debate.
I've seen chain link designs like this done by using plastic cups also.
Now, if I was passing, I'd HAVE to stop and watch!And probably ask why.
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