Lincoln Logs (12in x 7in x 6in [30.5cm x 18cm x 15cm]). This was one of my favorite childhood toys, and my mom actually saved my set in the garage since I was a kid. Do kids still play with them? Do folks outside of the US know what these are?
I'm a Canadian and also grew up with Lincolns Logs. My 6 year old son got some for x-mas this year and he loves them. Not too many people know what I'm talking about when I refer to them though.
Lincoln Logs! Fun! and a total kick in the memory butt... I'm Canadian and head them when I was a kid... one of my all time fav toys...
Thanks for the push down memory lane.
Love the blog BTW...
Lincoln Logs huh, my cousins and I called them wooden bullets.
Love this one, I keep thinking of the shack in Evil Dead. Where's Bruce Campbell when you need him?
Great Evil Dead reference, Charlie. This house has a not-so-apparent creepiness to it. Like it could be haunted, or it could be my imagination. Nice work again!
I'm glad you mentioned Evil Dead Charlie, I totally thought of that when making this!
Anyone remember the characteristic scent of Lincoln Logs?
Ahh yes, Lincoln Logs. We had a huge box of them from the late 60s that was played with by my brothers and I. And it was passed on to my nephew who used them well.
Maybe a good Tinker Toy skull to go with it? They were my favorite when put head to head with Lincoln Logs.
We didn't have those in Belgium, it looks like a great toy! Now you should make a Lego skull as well.
i think people still play with lincoln logs! very cool
My sons, 4 and 11, have both played with their uncle's, from the late 60's. A friend of mine has a new set for his 2 sons.
I can imagine a tiny little Abraham in there, studying by the light of a birthday candle.
Do I remember them? Hell, I still have mine! I also still have a few containers of Tinker Toys and my Lite Brite. My Tinker Toys still have that distinct smell about them, but I painted my Lincoln Logs a long time ago so they smell different.
I played with these as a child of the 80's, and ironically also lived in a log cabin of the same style. My dad was certainly no Bruce Campbell, but he was mighty handy with a chainsaw!
That house needs to be burning... heh-heh... yeah... fire... FIRE!
I've seen Lincoln Logs (up here in Canada) too, but they were at an Educational Toy Store and were outrageously expensive!
We didn't have those here in Venezuela.
John Wilkes C Said:
26 Skulls Later: Back from assignment. I have some catching up to do.
Ok, if you really want to see Lincoln's Skull (or fragments of) they are on display here.
My kids play with them in their Canadian daycare.
I'm showing them this so they can make skull houses and wow their friends.
that is incredible construction!
I've read about Lincoln Logs in a book but we don't have theme in Sweden, we only have Lego. It looks like a great toy though. And it's a very nice skull.
Australian here, Have no idea what these are. I guess it's a north American thing.
We didn't have these in the UK, but I think I would have enjoyed them when I was little. Are you just meant to build little cabins with them?
yay, i'm so glad people remember these! we don't have enough wooden toys these days, just all that newfangled 'plastic' crap. ;)
and Chris Z., i second you on the Tinker Toys suggestion!
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