Arranged Assorted Items (Approx. 3ft x 10ft). Thanks to my friend Mimi for letting me invade her awesome store
Exile (where I was once employed) and helping me create this out of a small fraction of the funky and fun stuff contained within.
Here's another view...

And if you don't know what a tchotchke is, you can find out
Looks like my kind of store, and my kind of art. I like seeing the different angle. It reminds me that viewing the world is all about perspective.
I used to visit Richmond frequently when I was in college, and Exile was always on the list of places to go. Brings back memories!
I read the NYT mention (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/30/fashion/30web.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1&bl&ei=5087&en=f0a944c50c63a21f&ex=1207108800) and was like - wait he doesn't make skulls out of bric-a-brac! Now he does! Love it. Miss Exile, too! Also, does Tim know that you used to work a Exile?
cool stuff!
Wow! Very creative.
Sp sweet of mimmy to let you play in her shop. Love this skull. I squinted at it and it looked so skully. Congrats on the mention in the NYTimes.
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