Copenhagen C says:
We had a little bit of snow here, and being inspired by the Skullmaster’s 373. Snow Skull I set out to make my own. I had no idea that when I got home last night I would find 374. Wow how can I top that?
Today's skull is dedicated to all that has happened this week in Copenhagen, did anyone else find it interesting that President Obama left the conference early to avoid the pending winter weather? I left this skull where I made it for others to find. If no one disturbs it, the coal will remain after the snow is gone a fitting commentary on the future of our winter enjoyment if we don't act to seek out energy alternatives to coal and cut our greenhouse emissions.
Remember each Monday during the 3.0 year I am posting an original skull design. My weekly offerings are nothing compared to the one-a-day massive project done by the Skullmaster in 1.0, but hopefully you will find some nourishment in these weekly offerings.
I would totally like to join you and Noah in making a snow skull, but this part of Texas doesn't have any yet. Maybe, just maybe, if we get a little then I 'll give it a try.
Thanks for the message, P.S.A. C.
Love the commentary! Definitely document it as it melts away if you can.
Sorry there's no snow for you to play with Tatman!
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