I wanted to add a bonus post for today since it is a holiday for most people around the world. I'm sure you all saw the excellent snow skull posts by Noah and Citizen Agent(
here and
here) and I wanted to follow suit, but I had to wait for any kind of snow here in Texas. Well, my wish was granted and we received the snow I needed. I had to take advantage of what we have because Texas doesn't always get snow like this. So I made two....
This is the snow drift skull...

And a snow ball skull...

Also, my wife was in the Skullmas spirit so she made a Santa Skull sugar cookie to wish all of you a Happy Skullidays!
I'm amazed you got snow! Great that you could join in the fun!
Good job, you got more snow than I did, in Iowa!
hey! im from texas too! but you must be up north, because it's barely gotten below freezing down here.
also - i love your cookie's eyebrows :)
Snowglobe C said:
That is so cool that you got snow there. Thanks for playing along, I really like that you did a 2-D and 3-D version. Wow! Another Santa skull!
Here in Wichita Falls, Texas we got "blizzard" conditions on Thursday. There was more than 6 inches of snowfall in one day. I think it was a record. Plus, Texas does not have snow plows so EVERYTHING was shut down. After being in Michigan for 13 years I was very surprised.
So glad someone put all this lovely snow to good use! Here in Fort Worth, we had an unusual and lovely White Christmas! It was too freakin' cold to make snow skulls! Congrats to such a ambitious endeavor! Love the skulls!
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