First up is from regular contributor, President Wishnack. He writes, "I couldn't remember if you'd done this or not, but it sort of happened half accidentally, half on purpose while in the kitchen.", thus showing the effects of beer on the brain.

Kevin Greenham shows us how beer can cause reminiscing when enjoyed properly. He writes, "I took this picture in the bar Ellangowan Hotel in Creetown Scotland, which is the bar used for the exterior of the "Green Man" in the 1973 version of the 'Wicker Man'. Hope you like it."

And lastly, we can see what the effect of one to many beer skulls could be, but not in this case. Erin from N.C. fills us in, "my son was rough-housing with my husband and had a run in with a cousin's head. this is about five days into the injury and last night i noticed a skull and crossbones on his bruise. i took a few pics and asked some friends if they saw anything. the jolly roger was highly noticed!"
Now we can all see how seeing skulls everywhere affects us daily. Thanks to all of you for being on the lookout for more causes of skull simulacra. Keep them coming to the submissions inbox and don't forget that since we only do this once a week it may take a little longer before it gets posted.
That kid got nailed by something. Ouch...Baseball?
It was caused by a cousin's head. A true head on collision.
mmmmm beeeeer.
That poor kid. I would say that I hoped he had learned his lesson, but since I have 2 bros, I know he hasn't. Awesome bruise.
so cool to see my son on here. i will show him in the morning. thanks for posting it.
he is all boy, so i am sure there will be many more bruises to come.
beer. nice! i love natural unintentional occurring skulls.
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