I got more info from Dan on his techniques, "All of my skulls are original, one of a kind creations. I use a stoneware or raku clay and I fire them with an ancient Japanese raku firing method. There's two techniques I use when I reduce my pieces, that's why some have a cracked appearance and others have the multi-colored metallic finish."

"My main influence is Brom, but there are others that have inspired me as well. People like Todd McFarlane, Stan Winston and Tim Burton."

"The reason I make skulls is something I've never really thought about before. I guess I've always been a fan of darker things, even as a child. Most of my creations are of a evil or scary nature so skulls go hand in hand with everything else that I make. Also, skulls are frickin' awesome! Why wouldn't I make them?"
You can't argue with logic like that, Dan. The raku fired skull that my wife picked up for me(like the one in pic#2) is definitely one of the more unique pieces adorning my dresser. Thanks for sharing all of the wonderful pieces you've created and I wish you the best of luck in your mile high endeavors.
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