Wednesday, October 31, 2007
150. Rice Skull 2: Cooked

I know some of you are expecting a super-deluxe Halloween skull, but the reality of doing a daily project is that I just don't have time to plan such things. So today's skull will be just another daily image, but I did want to give you something special, so here's a sampling of the amazing skull/skeleton costumes that my friends made for my party last weekend. See if you can guess which one is me...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
149. Cocoa Skull

Monday, October 29, 2007
148. Paper Doll Skull

The Paper Doll Skull is available as a free DIY PDF HERE. Don't you think it needs more clothes? Make your own and send in a picture to share!
P.S. Skull-A-Day just cracked the top 5,000 blogs list on Technorati! Thanks for all the links everyone! Don't forget you can grab the code for a spiffy Skull-A-Day web button HERE (you can see what it looks like in the bar at right).
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Braincase XV
Another jumbo sized batch of submissions from all over the place! (Mostly Received 9/22-9/30)
One more from Moose (the most prolific skull finder by far) via Best Pic Ever.
Artist Klaus Nordby made this lovely illustration!
Carolyn spotted this bandage on a bathroom stall door in Scottsdale, AZ! In her words, "Yes, I was sitting on the commode when I took this."
Wendy, The Petticoat Pirate found this cool unintentionally skully button while buying supplies for her SkulShies!
Larry Pearson made this incredible stainless steel cow skull! Be sure to check out his site to see how he made a stainless steel longhorn skull. He says, "Your site has inspired my to build a human skull out of stainless someday."
Lonanne shared this picture of her husband's terrific groom's cake! She also says, "PS Our 2 year old has a rather large skull collection already, he can't say the letter 'S' so he just says 'Kull' and roars afterwards."
Jason Gaver spotted this nice skully drinking straw and shared this nifty tattoo on Jon Gaver done by Tom Morris at All American Tattoo in Spokane, WA!
Shane created this happy image for his house warming party invite!
Christopher shared this amazing body art via Pizdaus.
Brice spotted this nice skully mosaic tile on a bridge in Paris!
Amytha spotted this incredible truck!
Terry, of Bent Objects fame, made this cute Lego skull!
Octochan made this spiffy crocheted skull!
Arbyn shared this excellent graphic by BUGA.
Szablocs from Romania shared this sexy picture and also spotted this eerie skull near Baltimore on Google Earth!
Ragnar sent in several great skulls, including a cappuccino honoring "Talk Like a Pirate Day", a hat she knit for a friend's restaurant with their skull and cross utensils logo on it, and a bunch of skull themed fabrics she spotted!

Tami sent me a grossly cool Hairy Mail message from the Truth Campaign! You can send your own HERE.
Stéphane from France found this wonderful skull in a pear at lunch!
Slim Palmer suggested we check out the fantasy skulls at Skulls Direct (including this nifty Goblin skull!).
Bobby discovered this cute skull when opening a package of cream cheese!
Danielle spotted another cool crocheted skull by Fruity Salad at Crafty Crafty.
Seven pointed out the awesome free vector art downloadable at Benblogged.
Nikki H. in Roanoke, VA shared a couple of spiffy items from her Halloween collection at work!
Rodrigo Pradel did this excellent custom shoe painting. See more of his work here.
Kim in Australia made this incredibly awesome hat using my 8x8 skull in the pattern! [I can't wait to get mine!]
Karyn in St. Paul, MN took this spooky picture while documenting the Halloween decorations on her house!
Rachel made these lovely jackets!
miss harley lenore pointed out the skull illusion on the recent Aerosmith CD cover!
AllDayPermanentBlack made this great bleach stencil on a T-shirt by using the tutorial at Stencil Revolution.
Michael Renouf of Non-stick Plans shared his terrific illustration titled "Carbon Footprint."
Jake painted these excellent "Dia De Los Muertos Mariachi Band" pastels inspired by the game Grim Fandango.
Thanks again everyone!
Submit your own found/made skulls at the address in the upper right-hand corner of the site. Please be patient it will take around 4-6 weeks for new submissions to be posted. [In case you're wondering it takes 2-3 hours to put together one of these posts!] Be sure to check previous Braincase posts before sending in something you've found online as I try my best not to post things more than once. And don't forget you can see your items in the sidebar right away if you post them to Flickr and include the tag "skulladay".

Thanks again everyone!
Submit your own found/made skulls at the address in the upper right-hand corner of the site. Please be patient it will take around 4-6 weeks for new submissions to be posted. [In case you're wondering it takes 2-3 hours to put together one of these posts!] Be sure to check previous Braincase posts before sending in something you've found online as I try my best not to post things more than once. And don't forget you can see your items in the sidebar right away if you post them to Flickr and include the tag "skulladay".
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