UPDATE: 10 of these bills were entered into the Where's George website and sent to my friend Phil. You can track them using their serial numbers: A71952100D, F79130190D, E93308768A, E65039934H, E06270752I, A61182676D, A26198175B, L84053716M, E21114490A, E22823252A
Maybe they thought that you come across many vending machines, and were tired of never having enough ones. XD
It looks like you have a no pets (or ceiling fans) rule for your studio area, Noah. I can easily picture a golden retriever seeing that and flying straight for it, thinking "LEAF PILE!!"
I just realised something; skull #300 (is happy skull), using three hundred, one-dollar bills. And that's with only one cup of coffee so far!
I hope you're going to punch those bills into wheresgeorge.com before you spend them. It's be pretty exciting for the people who found them later to discover that the bills had been part of this project.
(Oops. I meant "it'd be.")
Only one way to get rid of that many singles......strip bar ;) Happy 300th!
That is one happy skull! but shouldn't they all have been "face up/heads up"?
Wow! I would love to get one of these. Can you send me yours? Haha, great idea!
Maybe this was the skull form the six million dollar man?
Exactly what I was thinking Isaac. Maybe with a little Skull printed/stamped on them. Although being in the U.K. I'd have no chance of picking one up :(
Triple C said:
I love the milestones that include "C".
I like to know more about this bank business did you hand them a note stating what you wanted or did you just demand it.
Now tell us how you really got the money, and if you wore a skull print g-string or not.
PS: Correction you have 66 left. Hey, you were the one who did this project in a leap year.
I thought of another skull...wheres waldo(skully) that would be fun. AND NO SPOILING!
Thanks for the Where's George suggestion Issac. I don't have the time to do them all, but I will try to do at least do 10%!
Sorry to disappoint C, but I'm only planning on doing 365 (especially since it ends on the project on a particularly auspicious day). However you're welcome to make number 366! I'll reserve the slot for ya...
OK, now I know you're cheating, you've never had 300 bucks.
Darth C said:
Are you challenging me? Cause we can settle this old school style.
#366 will be a day long remembered it will see the end of skull-a-day and soon it will see the end of "C".
C I hope by "old school" style you mean break dance battle!
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