Friday, June 3, 2011

Dia de la Abby #53: Flower Petal Quilt Square Skull

Though last week, was my official last day for Dia de la Abby in the 4.0 year, I ended up needing to make an additional quilt square to go with my 46. Floral Quilt Square, Noah's skull quilt square and one that Noah's mom Mim made with the last of the 192. Ornamental Skull fabric.

This idea was inspired by the talking flowers of "Alice in Wonderland". Also, I have lots of white fabric flowers for making custom color flower for my business Azurafae, so I thought I could use a few of them to make a flower petal skull. I took the flowers apart to separate the layers by size. I cut them in half. I used poppy flowers for the 1st layer, since they have large rounded petals. I pinned them and used my embroidery foot to free motion sew them to the fabric. I used this technique for each later. After I had the area filled in, I stitched over the petals in the eyes and nose area, to create definition. If you don't have a machine, this is definitely something you can do by hand.

This finished quilt and all the ones I was able to finish are currently hanging in Gallery 5 in Richmond, VA. They will be actioned off on Ebay after the show closes on July 8th. The Skull Appreciation Day (more like a month) show opens tonight at 7pm. There are over 100 artistic skulls displayed. Come out if you can. It is free. There will be live entertainment outside the Gallery also, so be prepared for an exciting evening.

Tomorrow, there will be crafting from 12-4, where you can learn how to make some of the projects I made this 4.0 year. From 7-11, we have an exciting night of entertainment and dancing (Noah is DJing!), for a $5 donation to the Richmond Peace Eduction Center. There will be a costume contest with prizes from Skull-A-Day, so come dressed in your finest skull or skeleton costume!

Every week in the 4.0 year, I posted my own Dia de la Abby posts as well as a tutorial with instructions on how I made my piece. Hopefully you feel inspired by my posts just as I was by Noah's Skull-A-Day 1.0 daily project. Need more of me than just a weekly dose, follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook.


Ms. Blasé said...

Lovely piece! Looks time-consuming, but well worth the effort. Great job.

Anonymous said...

Very subtle, very beautiful.

luvskulls said...

Does that mean that you won't be posting anymore, that makes me sad I love your posts.

Abby Davis said...

It only took a few minutes, because the stitches to attach the layers didn't need to be very precise. The eyes and nose were only slightly more precise and that was just to get the outline. The filling in is sort of random inside the outline, just enough to keep the petals smooshed and define the shapes. Really, I think anyone could tackle this, even a new sewer.

I actually will continue posting. Probably every other week. I'm almost done with today's piece.