Shawn "Zook" White, our resident creative theorist and solution engineer is back today with this painted apple gourd that should hit the sweet spot for our fruit lovers. Shawn says, "Hi-ho. Been a while since I've submitted anything to Skull-A-Day(previously
here and
here), and I was particularly pleased with the skull I painted this apple gourd into so thought I'd pass it along. There's a couple of other newer skull paintings on my
flickr stream including two other gourds for anyone who might fancy browsing through, but the apple gourd is the crown jewel of 'em, methinks."

I can picture the evil Queen handing one of these to Snow White just before the poison takes effect. Of course she probably wouldn't have eaten the apple if it looked like this one. I mean, it's a pretty killer paint job and who would want to ruin that, right? Thanks again for the tasty submission, Shawn!
Great idea painting a skull on that gourd!
I tried to copy and paste your button on my blog but there wasn't a code when you clicked "here" was just the picture of the button so I copied that but just the url shows up on my blog...what the heck and I doing wrong?:o
Which button are you talking about? If it's the "I heart skulls" one, I just checked and the link to the code does work. Here it is again. Just make sure you're cutting and pasting the code into a place for html. If it's showing up as the button then that may have to do with what browser you're using and you might need to try another one.
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