Staffan says, "I built a stereo system from some junk I found. I found the speakers (made by Philips) earlier and this weekend I found an old amplifier. It's a DUX SX6391 and from what I can tell it's a piece of quality equipment. The cover was badly scratched and rusted so I sanded it down and gave it two layers of black paint. The speakers got stenciled skulls on them using your skull stencil."

Keith in Wisconsin says, "Pictures of my mud truck used some of your stencils to make a kind of skull camo . Stencils are nice will be using them again. thank you."

Yann Roirand in Sunderland, England says, "Here's my newest piece : Stay Away From Me (Or Set Me Free). It's my Final Major Project for my Foundation year. It's on display @ St Mary's building in Sunderland until the 26th of June 2009. I did this one using acrylic & spray paint on a wooden board measuring 2m44 * 2m. I used a couple of images I found on your website on it (one of the skull templates that I slightly modified, the death moth, the love/death iceberg, the Gorillaz skullboy head stencil, ... ) so I thought it's only fair I send it to you :-)."

These are all great, but Keith takes the cake. Dude, that ride is KILLER!
Fun work.
That truck is next level stuff. Very nice.
That truck is rockin! We Wisconsinites sure do love our skulls!
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