Nico Romero from Argentina said: “These are some Skull desings I made with my NeoCube. These are the best drawings from what I can do with only 251 magnet spheres, he he he”

Polar Opposite C says:
Maybe it is just the metal plate in my skull talking, but I am really attracted to today's skulls. I truly enjoy the idea of using magnets to create skulls since often it is the magnets that do all the work in holding up artwork on our refrigerators. Brenda I like the way you filtered the picture creating a ghostly appearance to what are probably brightly colored magnets. Nico the first one is my favorite, not only do you have a snake like appearance in it, but if you look closely there seems to be a skull in a skull at the center of it. Thank you both for sharing your work with us.

To be entered in the drawing just leave a comment below stating: What attracts you to skulls?
IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include a way to contact you (either an e-mail in the post OR make sure your Blogger profile has an e-mail link for you on it).
NOTE: If you're reading this on Facebook, be sure to leave your comment on the original Skull-A-Day.com post if you want to be actually entered in the contest
Where's my button...
Hey me too.
What attracts me to skulls? Just am.
That's why Skull-a-Day rocks; shows so many skulls in so many ways - craziness!
I think teh gold ones look like Mardi Gras beads. I wonder if we could make some sort of skull out of those? Hmmmmm.....
When I was little a switch was thrown in my skull that called me to the addicting study of prehistoric creatures. Now I study the skulls of those creatures that have long since passed from the land of the living. I love bones, especially the ones at the top.
I inherited my parents' macabre sense of humor, so skull attraction is merely a side effect.
Wow! I almost can not believe seeing my name on this blog, i think i can die happy now, hehehe!!. You’re right Noah, the first is the one with more personality, with reptilian aspect and its crazy eyes, hehe.
Thanks again for posting my desings. Cheers from here, and congratulatiosn for your awesome web!!!
I love how simple the skull is. It contains so much, but from looking at it, you would never expect that.
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