Kaye Reed from El Paso, TX found this rock at the Wupatki Ruins in Arizona
Ainslee showed off a granite tile
Sam Snoek-Brown, one of our regular simulacra hunters, offered what I think is a two for one. He found this skull (or skulls) while walking through his neighborhood in Abu Dhabi. He wrote: “My wife thinks it looks like Frankenstein’s monster’s skull.”
Opinionated C says:
I can't believe it is week 45 of 4.o already where has the year gone? I was going to post my own collection of simulacra that I have acquired over the last few months, but we keep getting so many wonderful submissions that I will just have to wait. Thank you all for taking the time to send in your submissions, I never tire of seeing what the world has to offer.
Keep sending those pictures in to our submissions address. Just keep in mind that since we only post simulacra once a week it might take a little longer than normal for it to be posted.

To be entered in the drawing just leave a comment below stating: If you discovered a new element that makes up all simulacra- What would you call it?
IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include a way to contact you (either an e-mail in the post OR make sure your Blogger profile has an e-mail link for you on it).
NOTE: If you're reading this on Facebook, be sure to leave your comment on the original Skull-A-Day.com post if you want to be actually entered in the contest
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