1. 310. Googly Eye Skull

Not only is this my favorite skull of the 1.0 year, but it's also one of my favorite skulls of all time. The most noticeable trait of just about every skull you see is the lack of eyes. Making a skull out of nothing but eyes is just as hilarious to me as it is ingenious. The addition of the actual eyes steps the laugh factor up a notch. The only thing better than this would be to see all of the eyes moving around together, which I might get to see personally next weekend in Richmond at the Skull Appreciation Day event. One week to go and I can't wait to see everyone who makes it.
**Flashback Friday was a weekly countdown of the fan selected top 52 skulls of Skull-A-Day 1.0. Each week during year 3.0 The Skullmaster posted the original skull along with some additional commentary in order from lowest to highest rated, with the #1 skull appearing in the last week of year 3.0, all 52 can be found here.
If you get to see it, can you post a short video of this skull with the eyes googling around? That would be sweet.
Eye don't what to say. Eye guess eye like it.
One of my all time favorites.
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