Camille Stevens, in Houston, TX submitted these skulls. She said, "I hand carve and sell necklace pendants out of avocado seeds, including these sugar skulls."
I like seeing tiny carved objects. Remind me of miniature trinkets from world travels. These look like little shrunken heads. Real shrunken heads are made by drying the skin on a coconut and decreasing the size of the nut until the final desired size is achieved. These carved avocado seeds remind me of Noah's Acorn Skulls. I read on Camille's Facebook Page, that she's collecting avocado seeds and giving discounts in exchange for usable ones. Definitely a good reason to make some guacamole and send her your seeds.

14 more days and counting...
so Cool! I can't believe I have been throwing the seeds out. Well not anymore. I love these!
Wow, what an original idea! I throw so many seeds away. I've begun to realize that art can be made from almost anything. Love that toothless grin, very cool!
Thank you so much for featuring my work! I love this site for so many reasons. :)
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