Needle Felted Skull
Caroline Jones from Bent Whims Studio in Virginia created this wonderful needle felted skull as a prize for of her “100th post blog giveaway”. The winner had a choice of the skull or a needle felted pumpkin, and of course the winner choose this skull.
Grateful C says:
As it is that time of the year again, I am waxing poetic for all my favorite skull items that I can decorate with and this by chance happens to be one of them. Personally I have the pleasure of owning one of Caroline's creations and can speak to her talents. If you have followed any of my commentary over the years, needle felting and other fiber arts are some of my favorite pieces to post. I love their diversity of materials and the amazing construction and of what the end results are when finished. Thanks to all our fiber artists out there and thank you all for supporting Skull-A-Day with your submissions and also to the many artists who also contributed to the recent Becky's Fund quilt project that we did as part of the Skull Appreciation Day Celebration.
**Flashback Friday was a weekly countdown of the fan selected top 52 skulls of Skull-A-Day 1.0. Each week during year 3.0 The Skullmaster posted the original skull along with some additional commentary in order from lowest to highest rated, with the #1 skull appearing in the last week of year 3.0, all 52 can be found here. During year 4.0 the editors had their chance to countdown their favorites Azurafae HERE, Citizen Agent HERE, and Tatman HERE.
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