Secret Shopper C says:
I think the most fun I had doing this week's skull was trying to get a decent picture of it in its proper surroundings. Plenty of strange looks as I went about trying to set up the shot while shopping.
Alternative view: Playing with an LED toy I got in a cereal box last year. It's as if they were made to go together... I don't know like cereal and milk.

Remember each Monday during the 3.0 year I am posting an original skull design. My weekly offerings are nothing compared to the one-a-day massive project done by the Skullmaster in 1.0, but hopefully you will find some nourishment in these weekly offerings.
I love this! Great job. Especially nice to have it in the appropriate environment, I think it was well worth the stares you got. Though I wonder if people thought you were being anti-milk?
This is spectacular! I thought that you were going to be missing from Monday, but luckily, someone recognized you from the carton and brought you here. Extra kudos for going the distance with the appropriate background.
a) That looks so cool, especially with the LED. I also agree with Tatman, the shopping trolley is a nice touch.
b) How in keeping with Noah's Recycled Light!!
c) It has a skull AND cows on it!
d) Noah, maybe a vegan or other anti-dairy activist statement?
e) I don't understand the American milk system -- 2% milk? lol
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