He wrote: “I have been an avid follower of your great site for a few months now. August 16, 2009 is National Airborne Day. In honor of the great men and women who served this great country and have sacrificed their bodies and lives in many theaters around the world, I designed this art piece. I served in the Army for ten years and spent the last five as a paratrooper... All The Way!”
"Hook Up" 9" x 16" Acrylic,Ink,Charcoal,Colored pencil,Coffee on Bristol broad.

Strategic C says:
Thank You for submitting this piece to help us remember this important day. I never could have imagined how popular Skull-A-Day.com is among those serving in uniforms. You can see another posting about those serving in uniform by the Skullmaster here.
First of all, thank you! Second, very nice work you have a great talent.
This is a great piece, Marco. I'm sure there will be more than one airborne soldier that thinks of getting this inked on them.
Thanks Tatman, I plan on getting this tattooed on me at the Richmond Convention in November.
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